Finding her bra-7

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Hermione kissed Draco and took off her coat,not leaving his lips.
"Tonight was fun babe,"she smiled and took off her shoes, massaging her foot as she went.
Draco walked over to the kitchen and started cooking pasta, whilst Hermione wanted to freshen up in the bedroom bathroom.
She walked through to the bathroom, seeing a flash of Lacey pink on Draco's pillow, tucked slightly away under the covers.
Hermione walked over and huffed,
' why didn't I put this away when I woke up? ' she thought as she picked it up and stepped to the cupboard,
' but this wasn't her perfume?!' she thought again as Hermione turned it in her fingers... Seeing that name on the label...

Draco tipped the pasta tubes into the water filled pot and turned on the stove.
"Love, do you want cheese?"he yelled from the kitchen as he looked through the fridge.

No answer.


No answer.

Draco,confused and worried, walked into their bedroom to find Hermione Granger in tears, crouching on the floor and clutching a pink lacey bra in her hands.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"
Hermione looked up, thunderstruck.
Her cheeks where stained with mascara and tears.

"What the hell is this?!"she cried.

"What? It's your bra!"

"is it really? Then why, in Merlin's name does it have Pansy Parkinson written over it?"

Draco scrunched up his face in utter confusion when she handed him the bra.
It smelt strongly of Ariatota's perfume and her hand writing.

"What?! This is Aristota's bra! I don't know how-"

"Save your breath Draco! Your obviously still in love with her! Why else would you have that bitches bra in your bed?"
she cried again, hitting his chest, which had no affect to his muscely physique.
Soon she had ended up kneeling on the floor with her hands covering her face.
Draco gave her a sympathetic look and wiped a stray tear that hooked to fall.
He squatted down in front of her and lifted her chin up to his face.

"I love you and only you, you know that.
I'll follow you to the end of the earth if I have to... Granger, what ever I'm feeling in my heart right now, it's only reserved for you..."

Hermione leaned in and kissed him softly.
Draco smiled meekly and stood up with her,
Taking her delicate hands and walking back to the kitchen where the pasta pot was steaming violently.


Pansy and Aristota stood Watching the couple as they embraced again and laughed through dinner.
"Damn, we need to think if another plan!"growled Aristota as she punched the stone wall hard and frowned at her perfect nails that where now chipped and Brocken.
Pansy was drawing circles with her leather gloved finger and brightened up at the
Smiley face that was now marked in the snow.

"Do you have any ideas?" whined Aristota who was still craning her head through the window.

"I have one... Wanna hear?"
"Go on...".
"When Draco comes from work, we hide behind the bush - then you jump out and kiss his neck, leave hickeys and when he walks... Boom."
They both grinned eveily and looked back to the happy love birds.

"What if he tells her it was me who jumped out and kissed him-"
"like she'll believe him after tonight?!"
"Okay... Sounds like a plan.."

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