Hospitals and fights -15

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Cormack placed Hermione carefully in the car, and drove as fast as he could to St.Mungos.
Once the healers had whisked her through to a room, shutting the flimsy doors on Cormack's face.
Draco sat on the couch, still sipping on his whiskey, sooner or later an owl  would swoop in through the open window and show him a letter about Hermione.
And it did.
A Ginger owl with golden eyes came flying through, perching on the arm of the sofa and dropping a little red letter and dashing away into the sun.
Draco picked it up and put the glass of half empty whiskey on the coffee table.
Anger,pain and worry spread through Draco's chest, causing him to have a mad dash out and apperating into St.Mungos.
He pushed past the healers and multiple patients that where in his way and ran to the front desk asking and asking where she would be.
The woman at the desk looked up at him from her doodle of a ladybug with a top hat and picked at her figure nails, lazily.
"She would probably be in....."she mumbled, Day dreaming into space and calling;"Next!"
"Great thanks for you help!"said Draco sarcasm dripping from his voice, and he ran in different directions, up and down stairs and marching to different rooms.
Once he had finally forced his way to the information about where Hermione was-Draco flew up millions of stairs and leaped into the room.
Hermione was lying on a bed, chest rising and falling lamely and.... Cormack holding her hand?!
Draco stormed over to him and grabbed the cuff of his shirt.
Yelled Draco, pinning Cormack to a wall and strangling him.

he boomed, punching the man across the face and attacking him dangerously.
The healers all rushed over and pulled Draco off of him.

"What in Merlin's name is going on here?!"

"He tried to kill my girlfriend!!"yelled Draco, rubbing his cut lip, and smirking at the damage he caused to Mclaggen who, had 2 black eyes
, his mouth was bleeding so Draco probably broke his jaw and he had several bruises and blows to the head.

Cormack choked sadly as the security guard came and pulled him away, so there would be no more damage done.
Once the healers cleaned Draco's lip, he walked over to Hermiones limp body and brushed away some strands of hair, humming her favorite tune and kissing her forehead.

Her healer walked over ,she was a stubby little woman with short legs but had a warm motherly smile, she had kind blue eyes, short, Curley grey hair and plump pink lips

"Keep talking to her dear, it helps"she said, dabbing Hermione's forehead with a wet tea towel that had yellow duck patterns over the white and stained background.
"Sorry what's your name?"
"I'm Mrs Pratchett, Miss Grangers healer".
"Thank you,".

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