Growing up fast -32

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Months flew by and now it was Scorpious's first birthday!

The house was scattered with blue and green balloons, party poppers and finger food.

Ginny and Harry, Mrs and Mr Weasley where there, with three year old James.
Mrs Granger and Her friend came, also many people from the wedding where there including Draco's friends; Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson.. ect.

Hermione dressed into her usual mumsie clothes, grey ripped jeans, white plain top, brown pumps, and a long light brown cardigan.
She had her hair down with blond streaks, curled and sweet looking.

Draco wore a sleeveless blazer, black jeans, white, smart t-shirt, two black sneakers.

Draco came down stairs with Scorpious, who was wearing his dinosaur patterned wansie.
Everyone was sitting at the table, paper plates and cups lay out over the table.

You would think, why would they want to be there? It must be so boring for the Slytherin group, but the good thing was there were boos-high up in a cabinet for James not to reach.
Draco sat down at the head of the table with Scorpious in his lap and Hermione came back from the kitchen with a dinosaur shaped birthday cake.
One candle lay dancing on the top.

Two candles lay dancing on the top.

Three candles.. Four candles

Five candles.

Four years flew by in a flash, Now Scorpious was five years old!

Time goes by so quick don't you think?

Hermione and Draco lay in bed, Draco lightly snoring.
It was Christmas Day, snow sprinkled down outside the windows and through the grounds.
Hermione was lying on Draco's chest, moving nearer-if that was even possible.
It was a peaceful blis- nothing.. Nothing at all could disturb or ruin this perfect moment of.. Still.
How they where so wrong. Oh so very wrong indeed.


Scorpious dashed into the head bed room, jumping up and down on their bed and screaming loudly.
Hermione face planted her head into Draco's chest and covered them both up with the duvets.
Draco sat up, causing Hermione to sink slowly into his lap and fall asleep again.

"Shhhhh!"he whispered to the restless toddler.

"But its-"

"I know, but your mother and I where and are still sleeping Scorp,"
Scorpious jumped down and landed on his backside, grinning widely.

"Okay, now go back to be-"

"noooo!!! I want to open my presents!!!"



Draco quietly shut his and Hermiones bed room door, took Scorpious's hand and walked down the stairs, into the kitchen where tinsel and decorations where hung.
"What do you want for breakfast Scorp?"
Draco asked, walking to the muggle fridge and taking a carten of milk.
Scorpious jumped up and walked to Draco's legs, looking up with huge silver eyes.

"Mummies special pancakes-"

"But I-"
"Coming!!"cried Hermione, walking over to Draco her pink slippers.

Draco smirked, sitting at the table with Scorpius and took th Daily Profit from the counter.
Whilst Hermione made the pancakes and Scorpious played with his spoon.
"When can we open presents?!"whined Scorpious, dropping the spoon with a clash and looking up at Hermione pleasingly.

"You can go n-"


And with that, he flew out if the room and into the living room, ducking under the tree and checking every name tag.
Once his parents scoffed down breakfast and Scorp had come back to finish his, they all crouched down by the tree.
Draco got Hermione some bath products and some jewelry; Hermione got Draco a very expensive watch and some skinny dark green lingeries as a joke- although Draco didn't find it funny, he thought it quite smart and naughty.
Scorpious had many many toys, clothes and all sorts.
Friends and family came for dinner, they soon left and it was time for Scorpious to go to bed.
Hermione picked her sleepy toddler up, cradled him and walked up stairs into his bed room.
Scorpious kissed his mom goodnight after her bed time stories, Hermione walked down the stairs after turning his lamp of and switching the night light on.
Draco stood at the front door, Hermione leaned in the hall way as she saw him hugging his mother.
Hermione smiled, walked away to the couch and sat down.
They needed their alone time.

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