Chapter 1 Emily

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The beautiful cover was painstakingly created for me by my dear friend Joe, his work is incredible. And I am honoured that he has allowed me to use his art for my story again. I hope you all love the new book cover. If you would like to check out anymore of Joe's work, please do, just follow the link

Chapter 1, Emily

"All I'm saying is, maybe you don't need to be the one who welcomes all the newcomers, in the beginning it was ok, there were only a few a week, and you .... well .... you could get around easier, but now, I see you struggling to stand up, and it's not just because of the bump, I know it's not and so do you, you are exhausted Lucy, now is the time for you to be putting your feet up and relaxing, the pups will be here soon and then all of that goes out the window. The doc thinks it will be a small litter, but we both know that even two pups are going to be a handful.

And I know you just want me to 'please stop talking about this' ... 'this is the third time this week you have given me this speech', I can hear it in my head Lucy, no matter how hard you are trying to keep me out, I feel what you are feeling." Alex grabs me by my arms, and not in a gentle way "I understand what you are going through, you believe that it is your duty to go out there and meet these people, this is your pack now, and you need to be able to protect your pack. I get that. You believe that you have to show strength, you are alpha now, which makes you think that you can't show weakness in front of your pack. I get that. And I know you also think that I'm doing too much of the work, that you barely even see me anymore because I'm out looking for these bastards, so you think you have to do my duties too, I get that, I get all of that, but you are wrong, this pack loves you, you should never be afraid to show any emotion in front of them, we are part human Lucy, not just wild animals, not one member of our pack would call you weak, and it's not out of fear, they have seen you give your all to save them, they respect you. And you know Jamie has the best nose to sniff out danger, let him and Dani meet the newcomers, you just have to learn to delegate. But you're right about one thing, I haven't been here enough, and for that I'm sorry, I just feel so helpless there are dangerous men out there, and I can't find them, my mate is about to give me children and I can't get her to sit still, Will is still missing and I can't go looking for him, all I can do is make sure that nothing hurts my family and my pack, to do that I have to patrol, I'm the one who will feel them crossing into our borders, It's best if I'm there. But maybe not ..." his grip on my arms softenes and his knees hit the floor in front me, it's like all the energy just leaked out of him, I hate that I can cause him to feel this, he fells helpless, I feel it seeping through our mating bond, but I have to stand up to him right? I'm not some princess who wants to be waited on hand and foot and pampered, I can't just sit around and let the 'man' do all the hard work while I look on from afar, I've never been that kind of woman, and since becoming alpha, I'm a whole lot worse. This is why my poor mate has collapsed to the ground, too tired of fighting with me, but just like I know I can't give up, he knows he has to try to convince me to do just that.

I lift my hand up to his face, he leans into my touch, and kisses my hand, I'm still getting used to the sensation of my mates touch, especially kisses, it's like little bolts of electricity are dancing on my skin. I put my hand under his chin and lift his face up to look at mine, when our eyes meet I know I have won this battle.

"I'm sorry Alex, I know how hard this is for you too ok, I really do, but you know me, I have to do what I have to do. You trust me right?" The way he is looking at me is like a warning never to doubt his trust in me, to doubt his trust is to doubt our love and there is no way he will let me do that. All that in one look. "I know, ok, shh, it's just, I'm scared too alright, of course I am, I have never done this before, I don't have my mother to tell me that everything will be ok, or to tell me what to do, but I know our babies, I feel their strength, they are getting stronger every day, and I promise you Alex, if I ever even for a second feel that something is wrong, I will sit right down wherever I am, link you and link with Dani. I will not let anything happen to these babies, you have seen what I am like when the ones I love are in danger, but if I sit around all day, worrying about you, and the birth and the pack, and Will and the newcomers and the dangers and about being a mother, the stress is going to hurt the pups, I don't know how I know that, it's just one of those maternal instincts I suppose. I trust my body, it will tell me when it's time to rest, until then, I have to do what I have to do"

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