Chapter 20, The man who lived in a cave

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Chapter 20, The man who lived in a cave

***Leo’s point of view***

“I want everyone ready to move at first light. Are the women locked up tight?”

“Yes master, they will not be escaping.”

“Good, I want us set up at the borders in one hour. Tell everyone to rest up, there are plenty of women in this pack, I know my men will want to have plenty of energy for them afterwards.”

“I will inform the men for you.”

I’m coming for you Violet. This time, you will not be escaping. But first I’m going to make sure that fucking sister of hers will never be a distraction again. Violet will bear my child and I will be transformed and then I can finally do what I was put on this planet to do.

“Master, I’ve just spotted a man walking the borders. Do you want me to bring him to you?”

“Oh, this is going to be perfect. Bring him to my tent, no chains.”

Like I needed another sign that this is my destiny, you have sent me all the information I needed. Thank you.

“New plan, we don’t leave at first light, tell the men to pick a woman each and have some fun. We will attack tonight.”

“Yes master.”

***Lucy’s point of view***

“Why are you still awake Lu? Did you get any sleep?”

“I’m rested enough, I’ve too much to get done today to be able to try sleep now anyway. It’s already getting bright out. Did you have much trouble bringing those guys down the hill?”

“No, they didn’t put up a fight. Lu, you should have slept. Do you want to try have an hour now?”

“If you get into bed with me?”

“Now there’s an offer I can’t turn down.”

Alex climbs into bed and I rest my head on his chest. I breathe in his scent and it gives me power. Power to get through today, to host this feast, tell Bernie about Ruby’s uncle, to help Alex get over sending Will away and of course to look after my family. Knowing that I can handle all of this makes me remember why I couldn’t sleep in the first place, which makes hold Alex closer to me. And before I know it, there are babies crying and children laughing and Alex is holding a mug out for me to take.

I sit up and realise that I did manage to sleep. Though I almost feel worse for it. I eagerly take the tea from Alex and take a sip.

“Thanks baby. How long did I sleep for?”

“It’s ten now, so about four hours I’d say. And before you panic, don’t worry mam is getting everyone and everything prepared for today. You just need to look after you and the babies. Oh and mam finished making the slings so you don’t have to travel in your beloved cart if you for some insane reason don’t want to.”

I put the tea on the side table, jump up and kiss my mate.

“Best. News. Ever.” I say in-between more kisses. “Can you change them while I run to the loo?”

When I get back into the room, Alex is making a mess with powder, Ciara just watches her father panic. I grab Ryan and sit on the bed and start to feed him.

“You’re doing fine you know. Best daddy ever.”

When he lifts his face up to look at me I see it, like everything around him is covered in powder.

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