Chapter 16 - The Name Game

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Chapter 16, The Name Game

***Leo's point of view***

"What do you mean you can't follow her track anymore? The only reason you are still breathing is because you can track. Do I have to do this myself?"

"No, I know where she went, I can follow her trail, only, it's not just her trail anymore, she is with a male, can't tell you if it's a wolf, only human tracks. I went as far as I could follow, but then they crossed water. Without checking every bank, I won't be able to tell where they went. Sir."

So, she's got help now. It doesn't matter, I will get her back, it's inevitable. But it's going to take more work now. She'll pay for that. "So she is in their territory, you're sure?"

"She crossed into their territory, with a man, she wasn't being dragged, and she wasn't running. She followed this guy, chances are he is part of that pack and she is being brought to the alpha."

I didn't want to take on this pack until I was at full strength but now I have no choice. "We need as much information on this pack as possible, we need to send then another little pet to rescue. Who do we have left that needs to prove their loyalty to me?"

"The fathers you mean? We only have two guys left, but, I don't think they'll work for you. Sir."

"Why the hell not? They do everything else I tell them to do. Why should this be any different?"

"Both men had daughters in the .... punishment last night."

"So, they should want to prove themselves to me more, to protect their remaining daughters."

"Maybe. But I think they would rather die than help you fulfil this prophecy business."

"This prophecy business? What is that supposed to mean?"

"I meant no disrespect sir, I simply ... I apologise. Sir."

"Tell you what, you stay the fuck out of my way until I call for you, you have a daughter here too don't you. She's young, I wouldn't want you to lose her so young."

"Yes sir."

Chaining the rest of the women up was by far the best plan, this way I'll have no more escapes. Stupid fuckers, they pretend to be hard men, but threaten their mate or daughter or even whichever bitch is opening her legs at the time, and their tail tucks right between their fucking legs. Any man that threatened to touch Violet would soon find themselves missing a head.

Now to the problem at hand, I can't send in one of my own men, she'll recognise him. I can't use any of the captives, the tracker may be an ass, but he's right, fathers don't take too kindly to the humiliation I put those women through last night. So it looks like I'll have to take one of their pack members to get the information I need.


***Matt's point of view***

"See I told you they'd take you in, Alex is like a brother to me and Lucy, well she's been through some pretty rough times herself, I don't know if you could sense her anger, but if she gets her hands on this guy, he won't last too long. But that's not going to happen."

"Let me guess, her mate doesn't let her do the fighting?"

"No, nothing like that, they are a lethal force when they fight together actually, almost beat the previous alpha before they'd mated."

"Ok, well that's something alright. So why won't she be fighting him?"

"Oh, he's mine."

"Excuse me?"

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