Chapter 19, Deal making

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Chapter 19, Deal making

***Lucy’s point of view***

“Alex, do you think you will make it home tonight? Do you want me to wait up?”

“Sorry Lu, with all that’s going on. I don’t think I can, you just make sure that Jamie stays close. I will be home before morning though. Ask my mam to help with the feeds?”

“yeah, I might just stay in wolf form until you get home, I’ll feel safer that way. So, what exactly are you trying to hide from me?”

“I’m not trying to hide it Lu, I just don’t know how to say it. The men that are here weren’t looking for Violet. They’re looking for Ruby. Her uncle sent them to find her. They need her to heal their people. They described her, just the way you did. How am I supposed to tell Bernie? “

“Just because he is her uncle, doesn’t mean we are just going to hand her over Alex. Family are the people that care, not just the ones who have the same blood flowing in the veins. Damn it, where was her uncle when she was taken?”

“He is one of the infected. I know how bad this feels, I do. But Lu, what if she can heal them? You said she helped take away some of your pain. I’m not saying we should let her uncle have her, but we can’t let these people die.”

“I know Alex. But, I’m not telling Bernie tonight. And when we tell her, we let her and Ruby make the choice. Deal?”

“Deal. Oh!”


“What would you say if I told you that right now, Matt is sleeping on the couch. Under that purple blanket you love. With his arm around Violet?”

“Shit Alex. This could get way out of hand.”

“Lucy, if you had seen the way Will has been acting around her, you wouldn’t blame her for never wanting to see him again. And you already said you thought Matt was developing feelings for her. If she didn’t have a mate in this pack, you’d be happy for him right?”

“I’d be happier if, they were mates Alex. This is going to drive a wedge through their friendship, and maybe yours. She is still so vulnerable, surely she is not in the right frame of mind to be making life changing decisions right?”

“Lucy, you thought I was sent to your home to murder you, after my own father had been torturing you for how long. You made your decision. And she will make hers. Either way Will or Matt will get hurt though. But we will help them, we are pack, we will look after them.”

“I know you’re right. I know. Ok, I’m going to bed love, I’ll give Jack, Ryan and Ciara kisses from their daddy.”

“Stay safe Lu”

***Jamie’s point of view***

Who would have thought running with your mate could have been this fun. She’s got good instincts too, she knows when I’m trying to sneak up on her. Alex used to tell me about when we chased Lucy, sure it sounded exciting. But this is almost like being a child again it’s that fun. I never want it to end, but I know I need to get back, Lu just told me Alex won’t be home till morning, which means I’m protecting everyone here.

I walk over to where Dani’s almost silver wolf is drinking water and lay down, looking up at her. “We need to get back, Alex isn’t coming home tonight.”

“Oh, ok. Race ya?”

“It’s on.”

By the time we make it back to the house, Dani is panting but I didn’t even have to let her win by much, she is fast. We both walk into the house in wolf form. Once we get inside my room Dani stops walking and I can smell fear coming off her.

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