Baby Why cant you see

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"Eddddddddddddd wake up!!!!" I said jumping up on his bed. Sometimes I like to be the annoying littler sister he's never had.

"No Tay let me sleep in peace!" He growled angrily and grabbed my ankle to then pull me down and tickle me until I surrendered.

"No ED!!!!!" I couldn't stop laughing.

By then he was laughing as well. Probably at my laugh. For some reason he always laughs when i do. I probably have an annoying laugh. By then he had stopped and he was on top of we at this point, holding himself up with his arms inches away from my face. Every few seconds I felt a little bit of air hit my nose. We were probably starring into each others eyes for 10 minutes.

His eyes are gorgeous. Sparkly green and I can see a splash of freckles clashing with his orange fire-y looking hair.

"You have a beautiful laugh miss swift"

He said, I guess remembering about my laughing fit. I couldn't help but blush so I flipped over and stuffed my face in his pillow. And with that he started tickling me again.

"Wait.....Ed.. Stop it!!!" I yell in between laughs.

"You need to get ready for soundcheck it's already 4:30!!!!!"

I crack up

"Oh I didn't know it was that late... Fine.." He sighed, shuffling his hand through his hair.

"Okay get a shower, I'm gonna go practice and by that time you'll be ready for EHC and you're other songs you open with. But we can't start a habit with this mr. Sheeran, you know the managers don't like doing soundcheck out of order!!" I added a sarcastic tone to my little speech. So I wouldn't sound like an annoying boss or anything.

"Alright then, swift. See ya"

He laughs obviously catching what I had done and walks out of the room into the bathroom.

I sat there a minute tangled in his fluffy white blankets and rested my head on his fluffy white pillow. Just taking in his natural scent. I probably laid there for maybe ten minutes before realizing what time it was.

"Oh my Gosh!!!" I gasped as I shot up. I ran out of the tour bus and down the hall to the arena where everyone was getting their equipment ready.

"Hi sorry I'm late!" I yelled as grant stuck his tongue out at me.

"State of grace?" I asked the band as I went in my position.

Time flew and it was time for you belong with me and I saw a white ginger boy enter the arena with his hair all in different directions and a little darker than usual. Obviously because he has just gotten a shower. He went to the front row to sit down as he awaited his turn to do SC he wore dark green shorts, vans and a black shirt with a cat in outer space. Weirdo. But that's why I lov- wait Taylor what are you thinking. He's your best friend. Just sing the song.

By then I noticed I was just standing there in awe of his presence and everyone was just staring at me. I noticed had stopped singing.

And Ed was giving me this weird look along with everyone else.

"I'm sorry i got a little distracted. From the beginning everyone!!" I said into the mic as everyone got back in their positions.

"You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset she's going off about something that you said but she doesn't get your humor like I do.." I kept singing whilst glancing at Ed every two seconds. I couldn't help myself but last night I heard Ed on the phone. With his girlfriend and they were having a fight. Something about long distance but whatever that's his business.

Sound check was over and I had nothing to do for one hour so I decided to go hangout with my best friend.

"Hey Ed want to grab something to eat?" I caught up with him walking towards the exit of the arena.

"Sure, love"

"Okay I'll go get changed first. Meet you at your room!?" I said in a chirpy voice. Sometimes I couldn't help how my voice sounds around him. Which is pretty bad but oh well. I ran off the opposite way to go change

But little did I know That one thought changed fate forever.

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