Trip to nashville (part 1)

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Eds point of view.

I can't help but feel like she performed superstar because of me, but then again she was probably directing it towards grant. They've always had a spark. After EHC I went to the side of the stage and just sat there until the concert was over.

After the concert ended I went to pack some things. Taylor invited me to club red but I figured my invitation was revoked considering what I did earlier. A stupid thing, I know. I rejected her hug, But I was afraid I would end up kissing her and ruin everything.

So I decided it would be easier to be distant friends, then to not be friends at all. I don't want to lose Taylor.

I got all my stuff packed, and went to the black car that was scheduled to bring us to the airport.

I saw Taylor from a distance, already in pajamas.

Black gym shorts, with an oversized t-shirt. She was holding her bags coming towards the car.

I quickly ran up to her and to grab her bags, they were obviously weighing her down, and she was roughly 30 feet from the car.
Once I got there she didn't smile at me or anything.

"It's fine Ed, I've got it." She snapped.

"No Love, I-" I was going to protest but she didn't want to

"Ed, please don't call me that." She said, clearly annoyed with me.

"Why not Taylor? what has gotten into you? You're so distant!" I was raising my voice. Not meaning to. I instantly regretted it. She sunk in like a puppy who got hit.

"Never mind Ed." She said turning her head away from me.
She jumped in the car and faced the window. Something told me that she wasn't going to move.

"Taylor, I'm sorry for raising my voice." I calmly said. Quiet enough for nobody but her to hear. Saying it more to myself.
She turned to me and smiled.

"It's okay, I just don't understand why." She said back, looking at her hands in her lap.

"Why I yelled? I don't even know why. I've just been out of it lately." I said. She shifted away from me again and said in barely a whisper;

"Ed. I'm not for it right now, you can talk to me when you decided to stop lying."
I shook my head. Lying? What the hell, I'm not lying!

"Lying?" I muttered through my teeth.. "You can call me an arse, dipshit, douchebag, Bastard. But please, never call me a liar." I whispered. At this point I didn't feel like talking, I decided to turn away from her and look out the window. The Stars were getting brighter as we travelled out of the city.

"Well than stop lying" she said. By the tone of her
Voice she was clearly exasperated and done with the conversation.

"How the hell am I lying Taylor?" I looked up at her to find that she's already staring at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"You have done so many things the pas-" she suddenly stopped talking, her lips formed into a straight line. "You know what? Never mind. It doesn't matter."
She looked really upset, so I decided to not push it. Even though her saying it doesn't matter... A pang of Sadness shot through me and my heart felt like falling.

"Okay" I said, turning to look back at The stars. I felt her eyes on me for a few more minutes, but I was done with the conversation as well.
She doesn't get that I love her. And it hurts me too much to act like everything is okay.

I shouldn't be on this trip.


A/N: thanks for reading, my loves. I WILL TRY AND UPDATE A LOT ON SPEING BREAK. Keep. Voting and commenting!! I updated my other story as well

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