What happened?

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Taylor's point of view.

As I was running around the corridors, I was crying so hard I couldn't see, I hit a wall and fell.

So I just curled up in the little cubbyhole I found. Closing my eyes shut, I let all the tears escape, and just say there in shock. I don't even know what happened to Austin and I ran, while my mom needs me. I'm such a baby.

I sat there for about two minute before I heard Ed running and calling my name.

Once he got to me he was breathless from the run.

"Taylor, i-" I covered his mouth before he could say anything. It took him a minute to catch what I was doing, but when he did he embraced me in a bear hug.

After about five minutes he let go, I had stopped crying by then.

"Ed I can't lose Austin too." I whispered.

"I know, but your mom really needs to talk to you" he said.

After an hour, He helped me up and I started walking with him to my dressing room.

Scared out of my mind, I waited for my mom. She showed up a few minutes later, not crying anymore.

"Taylor," she ran and gave me a hug.

"Your brother, he was in a car accident on his way to see dad. He has a broken arm and a concussion. They are doing more tests to make sure there's no internal bleeding. Because something had hit his spine. Earlier he wasn't responding and that's why I was crying, but during the time you ran off, he woke up. But he's still in pretty bad shape. I'm gonna fly to Nashville and see him. You just do your show and come down right after, bring someone with you. I don't want you to be thinking about all this your whole trip." She finished with a hug, and was off to the bus to pack her things.

I smiled to myself realizing Austin will be okay, hopefully.

It was about three hours until show time so I decided to go find Ed.

I was walking up to knock on his door, when I heard his angelic voice from inside the room.

"Should this be the last thing I see, I want you to know it's enough for me. Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need. So in love, so in love."

I was trying to listen to more when I accidentally hit the door with my shoe and he immediately stopped. I tried to play it odd by knocking with my shoe once more, like I had just gotten there and when he opened it, he seemed to buy it.

"Hey!" I smiled. And he moved so I could enter his room.

"Hey" he said, acting very flustered.

"So how's Austin? I heard he was in a car accident. Is he okay?" He suddenly became worried, remembering what had happened a couple hours ago.

"He's fine. Just a concussion. My mom left to see him already, and she's wanting me to go right after the show. Do you wanna come with? She asked me to bring someone so I don't overwhelm myself with all of it." I smiled.

His face lit up like a Christmas tree after I suggested he joined me, which was a yes.

I clapped my hands and jumped up and down.

"Let's make a little trip out of it, he's actually in Nashville because he was visiting my dad, so you can just stay at my place. Pack a weekends worth." I said.

"Okay, love. Will do." He laughed.

He was acting a little sketchy, so I decided to leave him be.

After he closed the door I just say there for a minute, not sure why he was being so shy.

Then the music started again.

"Your silhouette over me, the way it brings out the blue in your eyes, it's the Tenerife sea." I gasped and ran.

What is he singing? it's beautiful!

I have to find out.

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