Blind hope turned to crying

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Taylor's POV.


After the show I ran to my dressing room and slammed the door behind me. I started crying whist falling to the ground against my door.

Why does this have to happen to my father? He's an angel. He's the reason I'm doing what I'm doing. He's the reason I'm strong.

He doesn't deserve to suffer.

If I could I would take all the pain from and and suffer myself. I wouldn't do that for anyone but I would for my dad.

As I started to sob I heard a soft knock on the door. I stood up heading for the bathroom to clean up my face.

"Yes?" I tried to sound okay but the crying got to me

The door flew open and my favorite British thing ran as fast as light with the door slamming behind him. He ran up and embraced me in the tightest hug. He probably did so for about 5 minutes.

Once he let go I couldn't help but cry even more. I knew I had to tell Ed and I know this won't be easy.

"Love, please tell me what happened.." He started to get kind of scared. I guess he didn't really know where this was going.

As his eyes watered I told him what my mom had told me before the show. Bawling I tried to put on a brave face for Ed. He and my dad get along so well.

"Taylor I am so sorry, I had no idea. Is there anything I can do?- I"

I cut him off and said those 4 words that made everything change.

"Be there for me?"

He engulfed me in a huge hug.

Starting to cry.

A knock on the door echoed through the dead room.

"Taylor they're ready for you down in club Red."

I jumped up from the couch and sprinted towards the bathroom.

"Be right there!!"

I totally spaced.

"Our fans are waiting, Ed!"

He wiped the tears from his face and got up as well. As I wiped all my makeup off and changed into a plain navy blue dress I ran to my closet and grabbed white Keds.

As I linked arms with Ed we were off.


{after club Red}


Ed's POV.

As I was leaving club Red with a little brownie I decided I would try to cheer up Taylor.

Cheering her up would consist of a couple seasons of one of her favorite shows and some icecream and brownies.

So I went back to club red and grabbed the plate of brownies as everyone was cleaning up.

I went to my room on the tour bus with my mini refrigerator and grabbed a 4 pack of diet coke and chunky monkey and a couple seasons of Grey's anatomy. I had borrowed them from her a while back when I was pretending to be interested in it.

Yes it's a pretty good show.

I don't know about McDreamy tho. He's pretty sketchy.

As I was about to leave my room on the tour bus I heard something coming from my computer.

My girl and I had been face timing earlier and I guess she forgot to close the tab. As did I.

I was going to scare her but I then saw a sight I did not want to see.

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