Chapter 9 | Murder

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Emily's POV:

When Bellamy enters the room, I know that he doesn't bring good news, his face is serious and blank, though there is an definite sadness in his eyes.

"What do they want?" I ask, cutting straight to the chase.

"Finn." Bellamy's reply is short, and there is no sugarcoating involved. However my initial shock soon turns to confusion, why would they want Finn, the one who wanted peace from the start?

"Why Finn, what did he ever do?" Bellamy sighs, obviously not wanting to recount the story.

"Finn went sort of crazy when he found out Clarke was gone, he went to a grounder village looking for Clarke, and he had already killed 18 people before we showed up with Clarke, telling him about the Mountain Men," Bellamy says, and I almost don't believe what he's saying. Finn the peacemaker, kill 18 innocent people!

"So now they want revenge," I mutter, not quite meeting Bellamy's concerned eyes. 

I know what this means, there is no way that Clarke would turn Finn over to the grounders, and even if she wanted to, Raven wouldn't let her. I myself am torn on what to do, Finn is one of my closet friends, and him killing all those people is very out of the ordinary. However on the other hand, it would be extremely stupid to let everybody in the camp die, simply to save a murderer.

"We've shut down the camp, defence is on maximum, though the grounders are still waiting for Finn," Bellamy says gravely.

"Have you considered turning Finn over?" I ask, and Bellamy's eyes widen with shock and rage.

"How could we even consider that? Finn is our friend!" Bellamy exclaims, and I find myself feeling guilty about my thoughts, even if they are right.

"He killed 18 innocent people!" 

"Finn did that for Clarke, Emily!"

"Love doesn't justify murder," The words slip out of my mouth before I even comprehend what I'm saying, and the look on Bellamy's face is enough to tell me that I didn't say the right thing. Although I believe in what I am saying, I realise that saying it to Bellamy is a big mistake. Bellamy, who shot the chancellor for his sister, Bellamy who has done so many terrible things to protect the people he loves, to protect me.

"Well I'm glad you think that, I'll remember that the next time your life is at risk," Bellamy says quietly, storming out of the room without looking back.

"Bellamy, wait!" I shout after him, unable to follow because of my stupid bullet wound. Great, we're all at risk of dying, and the one person I care about hates me. 


After a few hours of sitting alone, waiting for an ambush, I finally decide to make my way outside. It isn't easy, but luckily I have good balance, so I am able to hop along on my rift leg, half dragging, half lifting my left leg along. I finally reach the open camp, however everyone is gathered just behind the gates, and I can hear grounders cheering in the distance. It can only mean one thing, they have Finn. I notice Raven, Kane and Bellamy standing together, though I decide to stand away, propped up by a tree. I don't think Bellamy would have told the others what I said, but I can't face either Bellamy or Raven right now, not after what I said. I don't really think I would have handed Finn over, I was just irritated that the others hadn't even considered handing Finn over, but now that they have, I just hope it wasn't because of me. All of a sudden I notice Clarke approaching Finn, who is tied up to a tree, watched over my a fierce looking girl with black armour and face paint, and I can only assume that they are the commander. Clarke runs up to Finn, wrapping her arms around his tied up body and pressing her lips onto his. I can see her lips moving slightly, though there is no way to tell what she is saying, however as Clarke removes herself from Finn, he is covered in blood, blood which is leaking out from a knife wound from his stomach. As Clarke turns around I see that she is carrying a knife, and I realise know how Finn died. Clarke killed Finn. I realise why she did it, the grounders would have tortured Finn, and this way he at least died quickly in Clarke's arms. I hear a pained scream and see Raven collapse into Bellamy's arms, so overcome by grief that she cannot stand. I look over at Clarke, at the knife in her hand. Although she did the right thing, I know Clarke will never get over the guilt. Clarke killed Finn out of love, but I know that love will never take away the pain.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I hope you like this chapter though. Season 4 is so close now and I can't wait! What are your thoughts on the latest trailer?

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