Chapter 4 | Curiosity Killed The Cat

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Emily's POV:

I return to the dormitory to find Jasper and Clarke arguing.

"Maybe they doctored it," I hear Clarke say, as many heads turn in her direction, many annoyed and slightly angry.

"Clarke, you sound like a crazy person! Why do you want to screw this up?" He whispers, tiering of Clarke's 'curiosity'.

"I don't know what this is," Clarke mutters, looking upset.

"This is safe. This is food, a real bed, clothes, and my personal favourite, not getting speared by grounders!" He says, adding humour to such a series speech. "How long do you think they'll let us stay if you keep this up?" Suddenly, Clarke stands up.

"Did somebody threaten you?" She asks, making Jasper actually laugh slightly.

"No, it's common sense!" He says, shaking his head. "Look, we're guests here, not prisoners. What would you do with a guest that kept calling you a liar and generally acting like an ungrateful ass?" He asks her.

"Kick the ungrateful ass out," Miller adds from the side.

"Right now, the biggest threat to us is you," Jasper adds, before walking away, and from the glares Clarke gets, it looks like everybody else agrees. However, I pull Clarke over to the side, and say,

"Clarke, did you notice anything weird about the arrow?" While Clarke shakes her head. "The blood on it was still wet, which means that it's not what killed that man," I say, as Clarke's eyes open wide.

"You know what else that means?" Clarke gasps.


"That blood wasn't from the man, so it must have come from someone else!" She whispers, and my heart sinks.


In the lounge, everyone is having a great time, playing chess, arm wrestling, Maya's even teaching Jasper how to play the piano! However me and Clarke just sit quietly in the corner, not really talking. I'm drawing on my map, when Clarke gasps, looking up, I see a man with small radiation burns down his face, and instantly recognise him as the man we saw dying in medical.

"Doc says I need one more treatment," He says to his friend, before walking out the main door and down a passage way. 

"We have to follow him," Clarke whispers, so standing up, we follow the injured man all the way to an elevator, where he swipes his key card and enters. Unable to follow any more, we just stand and stare at the door, until Clarke breaks the silence.

"Emily, I just had a horrible yet good idea," She says, and I look over in interest.

"What?" I ask, curious to know her plan.

"Doctor Tsing said that only patients can go into medical," She says, and I have a horrible feeling.

"You wouldn't hurt yourself Clarke, would you?" I whisper, not liking what I hear.

"It's the only way. So, if I hurt myself, you go and get the doctor, then find a way to get up to medical to meet me." She says, knowing I could never hurt myself on purpose.

"Are you sure Clarke?" I ask worriedly, but the look of determination on Clarke's face tells me all. We go back to the dormitory, where I watch in horror as Clarke cuts open her right arm, blood squirting out onto the floor. Clarke gasps and moans, obviously in a lot of pain, then when Clarke falls unconscious, I scream on the top of my voice.

"HELP!" Until soldiers come rushing in, only to see Clarke collapsed on the floor. 

"Medical emergency," One of them says into a microphone, as suddenly Dr Tsing and a few others come with a stretcher, loading Clarke on.

"What happened?" Dr Tsing asks, and I pretend to be distraught.

"I just, I just came in and she was slicing her arm open on the side of the bed!" I gasp, and with that they leave, not even bothering to clean up the drops of blood on the floor. I head back to the main lobby, and find just what I need when I see a Mt Weather resident talking to Miller, his key card lying on a pile of books. I walk up to the man, and ask if I can have a look at the books, as I explain my love of reading.

"Sure thing, you will probably find them boring though," He says, turning back to talk with Miller. I pick up the book at the top, opening it and pretending to read. I slip the Key card up the sleeve of my jumper, and put the book back down, walking out of the room before anybody notices I'm gone. Finding the same elevator the man with the burns used, I swipe the card, and breathe a sigh of relief. I push the button to the medical floor, and feel the lift fall slowly. When the doors open, I pray that there will be no one on the other side, which to my delight, there isn't. After that I follow the path until I reach the door that leads to medical. Pulling the level, I'm frustrated to learn that the door needs a key, an old fashioned key! I'm about to turn away and give up, when I put a hand to my head and smile, pulling out a hair pin keeping loose strands astray. I pick the lock, and see no sign of Clarke, so I use my key card on the metal door at the end, and am greeted by the sight of Clarke, standing in a patients gown.

"Clarke!" I whisper, walking up to her, however Clarke doesn't turn around, and when I look up I realise why. Bodies, hanging upside down, wires coming out of them, draining them of their blood.

"Oh my god, what the hell?" I whisper, then notice the tattoo's on their stomach's.

"Grounders," Clarke mutters, the horrified look on her face summing up how I feel. I then make the mistake of turning around, and see cages upon cages filled with more grounders, all groaning, cramped up like animals.

"Clarke, what the hell are they doing?" I ask, though the older girl doesn't respond, just grabs my hand half for comfort and half protectively.

"Reapers, that's what they do!" Clarke gasps, and all we can do is stare at the pale bodies before us, not wanting to see anybody we recognise. Walking towards the cages, I see how small they are, the grounders are forced to curl up into little balls, and many of them extend their arms out, calling for us to free them.

"They're going to do this to us, aren't they," I cry, not wanting to think about having my blood drained, or being cooped up in tiny cages. 

"Anya," Clarke murmurs, and I see the woman that tortured me now cooped up, though I can't help but feel sorry for her.

"Don't worry, we're going to get you out of there," I say softly,  while Clarke pulls a piece of metal out of a machine, using it to wrench open Anya's cage, though just as it opens, we here voices, and Clarke rushes into the cage with Anya. I'm about to get in, when I realise there is no way I will fit. Clarke sees this to, and goes to get out, though I push her back in and whisper,

"Get back to our people Clarke, it's the only way to get the rest of us out of this mountain." And with that, I sneak over to where Dr Tsing is, not wanting it to be obvious where Clarke is. She notices me, then points her gun at my head.

"Security, get down here now."


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