Chapter 5 | Containment Breach

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Emily's POV:

I just stand there as the doctor calls security, knowing there is nothing I can do. However, all that comes is president Wallace and a younger looking man. 

"Emily, please tell me now what you are doing here," President Wallace asks me, though I don't reply, not sure what to say.

"May we remind you, that things are not looking good for you right now, Miss Steeple," Dr Tsing says sharply.

"I didn't think those mans radiation burns would heal by them self, so when I saw the man looking healthy, I wanted to find out what cured him. I love science myself, and I was only interested for the learning," I say, and technically none of that is a lie.

"What do we do with her, father?" The younger man says to the President. "We can't let her tell the others about this, but they will question what happens if she disappears." President Wallace seem to consider his options, then says to me,

"We will let you go Emily, but if you so much as hint what is going on in any way, not only you, but everyone of the 48 will end up in here, do you understand me?" He asks, and I can tell that he is not messing about.

"Yes sir," I say, and as I am led out of the chamber, I take one last glance at the cages, hoping against all hopes that Clarke gets back to the Ark in time, knowing that even if I keep my side of the argument, the President won't. However I don't argue, knowing that I can at least buy us some time by being quiet. When I finally reach our dormitory, which to my relief is deserted. Grabbing the book I started earlier, I continue from the page I was at, getting lost in tales of other worlds, magical creatures and just plain happiness. I soon check the watch I found in the trunk, and realise that I'm ten minutes late for breakfast. I run down to the dining room, and join Monty and Jasper, and catch Monty saying,

"Clarke doesn't trust them, maybe she's right." Jasper looks over to the other side of the hall and says,

"We can trust Maya." That's when they notice me sitting next to them, eating egg on toast. 

"Emily, have you seen Clarke?" Monty asks me, and I look over to the head table, catching the Presidents eye.

"No, last time I saw her she was being taken to medical, I think she cut herself doing something stupid," I say, and the effect of relief is immediate among Monty and Jasper, who were evidently worried about what might have happened to her.

"See Monty, told you nothing bad was happening," Jasper says, while I look down at my plate, not wanting to talk. I can't help but wonder where Clarke and Anya are, did they make it out, or are they being drained of blood as we speak? The blood draining has completely changed my out look on this place, however I know the feeling of doing what you have to do to survive. It also makes me question my trust of Maya, how do we know if we can trust her or not? The chances are she probably knows about the treatments, being part of the medical ward and all. Jasper and Monty notice how quiet I am, and look slightly concerned.

"Emily, are you ok?" Jasper asks, while I just nod and put my fork down, suddenly loosing my appetite. Once breakfast is over, Jasper goes to ask Maya for information on Clarke, and I'm actually curious to see what she says. When Jasper returns, he just tells us that Maya is going to try to find out what happened to Clarke. Walking back to the lobby area, I stop off to get my book, and Jasper and Monty wait for me. When we reach the lobby, Maya is waiting for us, and I'm surprised at how fast she got any information.

"Find anything?" I ask her, though Maya looks grim, and I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing.

"Apparently Clarke had some kind of breakdown, she just snapped. She pulled out her stitches and trying to hurt herself," Maya says, and Monty and Jasper gasp, though it's nothing I don't already know.

"Where is she now?" I ask, which is what I really want to know. 

"Psych ward being monitored, I talked to a friend that works there," Maya says, and although I'm not sure whether that's true or not, my heart sinks, as Clarke is our only hope of escape. "She thinks it might be a couple of days before the doctors let anyone see her." She continues, giving me hope that maybe Clarke actually managed to escape. However Monty stands up angrily.

"We'll see about that," He says, before walking off, though I don't follow him, not wanting Dr Tsing to think that I'm involved in anything suspicious. Jasper actually looks upset, and Maya puts her hand on this.

"I'm sorry," She whispers, though I don't see anything for her to apologise for.

"Last time I saw her I called her crazy, I never thought," He starts, though unable to finish, tears streaming out his eyes, earning a few stairs.

"She's gonna be alright," Maya says, though now it's my turn to cry, knowing none of us will be alright, that in the end all 48 of us are going to end up in that harvest chamber, it's just a matter of how long it takes.


The next few days are a blur to me, Jasper and Monty visit medical three or four times a day, checking on Clarke, while I just stay by myself, not wanting to push the president or the doctors, knowing full well what would happen if I did, and it wouldn't just be me getting hurt. Nothings really happened for the past few days, until this morning, when Jasper's called for a meeting with President Wallace. I have a few ideas about what it could be about, though none are confirmed until Jasper comes back to me and Monty, who are waiting anxiously for his return. 

"What was that about?" Monty asks, a note of urgency in his voice.

"Clarke left us guys, she faked being ill to get into medical then she took off," He says grumpily, and though it's meant to be a bad thing, it's the best news I heard all day. 

"We need to go after her!" Monty says, grabbing his bag, and I follow, wanting to go with him.

"Well where will you two go?" Jasper asks, looking betrayed that his two best friends would leave him.

"The drop ship for starters," Monty replies, and I'm just packing a few books when Maya walks in, looking upset and nervous.

"I just heard... your leaving!" She almost shouts.

"Yes we are," I reply, packing some of Clarke's art supplies for her.

"No we're not," Jasper hisses, 

"What would Clarke do?" Monty asks, and I immediately know that was a stupid thing to say.

"You can't, it's too dangerous!" Maya says worriedly, and she looks genuinely upset, probably at loosing her medicine.

"Don't worry, I'm a coward," Jasper tells her, though Maya just shakes her head, trying her hardest to stop us from going.

"No, your not. Your smart," She whispers.

"Monty's right, she would go after me, why am I so scared to do the same thing?" Jasper asks nobody in particular, when all of a sudden alarms go off, and Maya panics, running to the door.

"What now?" I ask worriedly.

"Radiation, there's a containment breach!" Maya wheezes, pulling on the door which is suddenly locked.

"How?" Jasper asks.

"I don't know!" Maya cries, trying desperately to open the door, red swollen radiation burns now visible all over her face, now sobbing, and I know that if nothing happens soon, she'll be dead before the minutes over.


Ok, I know that chapter was mainly composed of talking, but there are big things coming up soon:)

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