Chapter 2 | Door's and Hallway's

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Emily's POV:

My sudden outburst even made Clarke stop talking for a few moments, before repeating what she said earlier.

"This place is too good to be true," She whispers, looking around. I have to admit, Mt Weather is obviously trying to put on a show, but I'm assuming that they are just trying to make us feel welcome.

"Have you ever considered the fact that they're just trying to be nice?" I ask Clarke softly, knowing I've upset her.

"People aren't just nice to strangers Emily," Clarke points out, and Jasper stands up.

"You guys are bumming me out, I'm going to get more cake," He says grimly, and we watch guiltily as he walks over to an empty tray. I watch as Maya gives him her piece, and then as he sits down and joins her. He looks a lot happier over there with Maya, which judging by our conversation, is not surprising.

"Clarke, whether you like it or not we are going to be staying here now, so if you aren't going to eat, you might have a hard time," I say, pushing over my piece of strawberry pie, which she finally agrees to take a small bite out of. As much as she tries to hide it, I see the pleasure and delight in her eyes as she takes a bit more. Then Clarke stands up and goes to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?" I ask her suspiciously.

"Just to apologise to Maya, I didn't react very well to being locked in a room," She says, and I sigh at the idea of Clarke attacking an innocent person. I watch as Clarke speaks to Maya, and notice when she slides Maya's key card into her pocket. Clarke walks straight past our table and out the door, while me Jasper and Maya chase her, watching as she slips through a door. A door which we now don't have access to.

"Great, now what do we do?" I ask, annoyed and slightly betrayed at Clarke's actions. I bang on the great metal door in fury.

"Clarke! Let us in!" Maya shouts, as alarms blare and soldiers come running, glancing at us and unlocking the door with their own key cards. Jasper, Maya and I follow them down a white corridor lit by lamps hanging down from the ceiling. 

"Over there!" Jasper shouts, pointing down a new corridor where Clarke is just visible legging it further and further away.

"Clarke, come back!" I shout at her, though she either doesn't hear me or she ignores me. The soldiers rush after her but Maya pulls us back.

"No, I know a quicker way," She says, pulling us through an almost secret metal sliding door, into another elevator. 

"Sorry about Clarke," I gasp as we reach the top and sprint down a metal staircase with the words, Emergency Evacuation on them. We just reach the bottom when we see a distraught looking Clarke about to open a gigantic circular metal door which I assume leads to the outside.

"Clarke no!" Jasper screams, as Clarke turns around to face us, her hands still on the handle. "If you pull that lever these people will die! Even a little radiation could kill them!" He shouts, as the alarm still blares in the background. Maya swings open a cupboard and pulls out a rifle gun, pointing it straight at Clarke.

"Don't make me shoot you," She sobs, obviously not used to holding a gun.

"Wait," Jasper whispers, standing in front of the gun, but neither girl looks ready to back down. I walk slowly up to Clarke, who is shaking in anger and fear.

"Clarke, don't do this, please." I plead, but Clarke shakes her head.

"I don't believe them!" She says hoarsely, sounding just as upset as me.

"Why would they lie? Listen to me, we are safe here, because of you, we're safe." 

"Not all of us," Clarke sobs, and tears run down my face, Bellamy filling my thoughts and knowing that Finn is filling hers. Jasper walks up to us.

"I'm the one that fired the rockets, should I not have done that?" he asks, tears in his eyes as well. "Clarke, when you pulled that lever you saved lives. Don't throw that away by pulling this one," He says, and Clarke is finally convinced. She takes her hand off the lever just as the soldiers reach us.

"There she is!" They exclaim, running over to us.

"Hands up!" Another one shouts at her as the soldiers handcuff Clarke, leading her off to who knows where, probably jail. While the soldiers lead Clarke away, I cry silent tears, but as soon as they're gone, I break down, grief filling me. There's no way to control what I say next, I didn't plan to say it, it just came out.

"We killed them Jasper, we're killers. How am I going to live with myself after all of this? We killed almost half of our people with that explosion!" I sob, and Jasper looks at me with shock then sadness, pulling me into a hug.

"We did what we had to do to survive Emily, you can't forget that. You shouldn't try to forget, but don't try to forgive us either, we did nothing no soldier wouldn't have done," He says, holding me hand as we walk back, and though I'm still crying, I cry to myself, knowing I will never get over what we did. When we have got back to the main part of Mt Weather, Maya leads me and Jasper into the dining room, where a very fancy dinner has been set up. We sit down as people fill in, me and Jasper with the rest of the 48, Maya with her family. President Wallace is saying a few words on thanks and welcome, when Clarke slips in next to me, wearing a new outfit and looking slightly more comfortable with her surroundings, though I have to admit I'm actually quite surprised they didn't lock her up! When dinner is served, a lovely meat stew, Clarke even makes an effort to eat hers, smiling at the President and hoovering it down. Once we've finished our meal, Keenan and a few others show us to a dormitory, full of bunk beds. Me and Clarke share one, me taking the top one and Clarke taking the bottom bunk, on which she finds a box of art supplies which her name on them, literally. I find a stack of books, some fictional some non-fiction, all written before the nuclear war. I take one and snuggle under the covers, reading until my eyes go foggy and I hear the shout of,

"Lights out!" I put the book under the bunks with Clarke's art supplies and the rest of my books, then closing my eyes, I feel the safest I have in my whole life. However not the happiest, I don't think I can ever be happy again, not without him. Not without Bellamy.


  Outside the drop ship, the fighting is intense, grounders everywhere, shooting arrows and throwing spears and knifes. I watch as my friends get killed before my eyes, then I hear shouts of "Everybody in the drop ship!" I head there, knowing what is to come, but suddenly a grounder whacks me with a club like weapon, making me fall to the ground. I look over at the drop ship, the doors closing despite the fact I'm still out here. The last this I remember seeing is a blurry figure pulling the lever, and I hate that blurry figure with all my might, until flames surround me and I burn to ashes.

I wake up sweating and gasping, the adrenalin and fear from the nightmare only just fading. Everyone else is asleep, and it's deadly quiet and pitch black, I almost don't remember where I am, Mt Weather. Closing my eyes I fall back asleep surprisingly quickly, only to be met with more disturbing and troubled dreams, and in everyone of them, I see his face. He hates me, and he would kill me if I hadn't killed him first. The boy that once loved me now hates me to the core.


So I just saw that the 100 season 3 is set to arrive on the US Netflix this November, however I live in New Zealand, so fingers crossed they add it to Netflix NZ some time soon as well! (I haven't actually seen season 3 yet, which really adds to my want for it to be added to Netflix!)

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