Chapter 7 | Escape

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Emily's POV:

Running back to the dormitory, I grab my back, hurriedly packing a book and Clarke's diary, before running to the nearest elevator. The people of Mt Weather were smart, but they weren't smart enough; I still have the keycard I stole to get to Clarke, and now it would save my life. They never checked how I got to medical, and they obviously didn't block the keycard, as it allows me into the elevator, and to the shortcut Maya showed me and Jasper the day Clarke tried to open the door. After hearing the President and his son Cage talking, I know that they have enough power to contain any radiation leak caused by the door opening. Climbing down those emergency evacuation stairs, I reach the door, however as I begin to turn the hatch, an alarm goes off. Knowing that I'm out of time, I pull with all my might, though the door doesn't budge, so I grab a long piece of metal and attempt to yank the door open, though it doesn't budge. Swearing to myself, I run in a random direction, however coming down the stairs I see not soldiers, but Cage, holding a single gun. I put my hands up, knowing that there is no where I can hide in this mountain. Walking up to me, Cage holds out some sort of taser, however I just take the long piece of metal and knock him over, and it's actually kind of comedic. Once he's on the ground, I take his taser and gun, though I don't knock him out, wanting him to be able to run when I open the door. I put my hand on the lever.

"You better get out of here now, on the count of ten I'm going to open this door," I say, pointing the gun at his head as he runs back up the stairs. Once I've seen him get in the elevator, I yank open the door, taking a moment to appreciate actually being outside again. However, my moment is over when I feel a burning sensation and see the acid fog appearing around me, sprinting away as fast as I can, I run through the forest, overtaking all the evacuating bugs and rats. My skin is still burning from when the fog touched me, but I'm able to run, and soon enough I make it to a cave I've never seen before. Sitting down and finally being able to relax, I tuck the gun in my pocket and look into my bag. I have a few books, as well as Clarke's journal, which as tempting as it is, I resist looking through. It's evening, though I don't want to fall asleep, too many emotions in my mind, and I swear I can hear Bellamy's voice echoing through the cave. However, finally I have to give in, and I soon set my head down, falling into a deep sleep.


I wake up feeling dehydrated, hungry and weak, but alive. I don't take my time packing up, knowing that if I don't find a clean water source soon, I'll be dead before I get back to camp. I know how lucky I am to have got out of the mountain, and that I couldn't help Jasper and the others while  locked up with them, though I feel a certain amount of guilt knowing I left them alone and unknowing in that mountain. As I speak they could be hanging upside down, blood being drained. However the only way I can help any of them now is by getting back to the camp, so, picking up my bag, I exit the cave, and travel as fast as I can, being weighed down by my bag. Unfortunately, I picked today to try out wearing a dress, so the skirt keeps on getting caught and slowing me down. After a few minutes, I slow down, beginning to feel the effects of dehydration, as I not haven't eaten or drunk anything for almost twenty four hours now. My head is racing, I'm overheating and sweating, which is probably a contributing factor to my dehydration. However the thing that worries me most is the idea that I'm not quite sane. I see things in the corner of my eye, then when I they aren't there. I'm hoping this is just a side effect of dehydration and stress though, and that I'm not actually going mad. I can hear voices whispering at me, Bellamy, Finn and the other people that died in the explosion.

"You killed us Emily," a twig snaps but there's nobody there.

"We died because of you," The sun beating down on my face, when I hear the sound of flowing water, and follow the sound, not considering the possibility of other humans drinking from the same water source, not even stopping for a moment as pure instinct takes over, leading me to a small creek in the side of a hill. I lean down, splashing my face and taking huge gulps of the surprisingly warm water. Once I've satisfied my need, I lie down on a nearby patch of long grass, closing my eyes as my head begins to clear, and though the voices go, the guilt does not, so lying to my side, I sob quietly to myself, when I see something out of the corner of my eye, a dead body. When I take a look, it does not disappear like the hallucinations, and I wince as I see a bullet wound straight through the grounder's mangled skull. Wait, a bullet wound this far away from camp! My heart sinks when I realise it could have been a mountain man, though I still hang onto the hope that it was one of our own people coming looking for us. Either way, I lean down to the grounder, and pull a knife out of his broken grasp, as I realise in horror that the victim's hands are still warm. They died less then a few hours ago, which means whoever killed them was here recently, and could still be nearby, or even watching me now, tracking my every move, waiting for the kill. However slowing down and using stealth will not work in most cases, especially if they already know where I am, so gripping Cage's gun, I continue running into the forest. I realise now that the stream probably saved my life, for even if it took a few days for dehydration to kill me, out in the wild, it's the symptoms would. 

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