Chapter 10 TonDC

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Emily's POV:

It's almost as if nothing has happened, the birds still chirp and the trees still sway, the forest is still alive and full of life, however Finn is not so lucky. The rest of the world will still go on, but I know that for Raven and for Clarke, time has momentarily stopped. Nobody should ever have to see the love of their life die, and absolutely no one should have to kill them. There is a silence in the group as we make our way to TonDC, nobody speaks to Clarke or Raven, and by now many people are just tired out from the walk, so there is not much small talk being made. I still haven't spoken to Bellamy since our fight, but I can see him now talking to Clarke, his face looks desperate and pleading, and I know what this is about. Bellamy has been begging Clarke to let him go to Mt Weather for the past few hours, telling her that we need a spy inside the mountain to spy on the enemy. I'm glad that so far, Clarke has denied his offer, saying it would be impossible to get inside anyway. I know that having Bellamy in the mountain would be a huge advantage on our side, but selfishly I don't want him to go, especially now that we aren't talking, I can't imagine knowing his last thought of me would be a bad one.  

"How far off are we?" Asks Raven, who looks slightly out of breath, despite carrying nothing. It could be her leg, but I suspect that something else is going on.

"Almost there," the commander says, her voice completely devoid of emotion. Guards await us at the door, which has a sign saying 'no weapons beyond this point. 

"Do what they say," Kane commands to hostile looking guards. Hesitantly, I put down my dagger, and look over to see the others see the same. Raven however, puts down nothing. A grounder guard comes to inspect her, and pulls out a continuous string of blades and guns, giving Raven a death stare that she returns just as hard. 

"We're all good," The grounder grunts, as we make our way through the gate. From all the looks of fear and anger we get, you can tell we're not welcome. 

"Heda, Heda!" The people cry, rushing up to meet their leader, before noticing us walking alongside her. "Why did you bring these people?" I can hear many other shouts, but it all sounds like gibberish to me, which is probably a good thing, because Kane and the others who understand the grounders language look extremely uncomfortable. One man stands in our way, he says something aggressive sounding to Lexa, who looks lover at Gustus, on of the guards, nodding her head. Gustus grabs the man, throwing him to the ground, throwing punches at his head until Clarke steps forward, whispering something to Lexa that I can just make out.

"Commander, stop him, please! They'll blame us for this to!" To my surprise, the commander consents, commanding Gustus to let the man live. She turns to the people, speaking with full authority in her voice.

"The sky people march with us now, anyone who tries to stop that, will pay with their life."


Sorry for the short chapter:) I'm really loving season 4 so far, but I won't give any spoilers. What do you guys think? ALSO THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 10k READS ON 'Stars From The Sky' and 1k ready on this book! It means soo much that people actually read the stuff I write:)

Authors Note 22/02/18

So you have probably noticed that I haven't updated for over a year now, and I just wanted to apologise for that. As you can tell from the short chapter, I no longer feel the passion update this story, and I always hate updating for the sake of getting out another 1000 words to I started writing it when I was very young, but that isn't to say I won't update it in the future. In the past few weeks I have started writing on Wattpad again (after being off Wattpad for 6 months), mainly writing my new Harry Potter fanfic (cough cough), however right now I don't have plans to update this story anytime soon. I might do sometime in the future, as I am still in The 100 fandom, and I might feel inspired to write for this fanfic again when the new season comes out,

Until then,

-FictionalReality- xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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