Chapter Five .......A Confession and a Mission

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Hello mInna Im terribly sorry if i haven't updated yet. I though noone was reading but yeah lets continues anyway^^

I dedicate this chappie to Nalulover08

Thanks for having patient and thaks for reading my story^^

This chappie is for you:D


'' M....Mom?..'' Lucy's eyes fell into tears.

'' Yes its me, Its nice to see you again Lucy'' Layla has a calm face expression.

Lucy fell on her knees and found it hard to believe that it really happened and tears ran down her pink cheeks and her eyes were wide open and shocked.

'' You can't be......My mom is dead!''

'' Yes I am dead and i only exist in your soul....I have missed you Lucy ''Layla opens her arms.

Lucy quickly ran to her mother and hugged her tightly while crying.

'' I've missed you so much mother!'' She said between her tears.

'' Ara ara little lucy....I can't stay for long....I just wanted to tell you that i belive in you ...even if you choose the wrong way, you'll get back, somehow I know it.''

'' Mom what is that suppose to mean?..''

'' You will know when the time is in....just promise me...To live for your friends and not die for them''

'' I promise mother...Please don't go! I wanna stay with you! '' Lucy shouted while hugging her with all powers she has.

'' I'm sorry but i must go'' Her mother smiled at her daughter and moves her hair gently from her face.

'' No mom please don't go!! ''

'' I love you Lucy '' Layla smiled and started fading away.

'' Mom!!'' Lucy yelled at her mother that disappeard.

She fell on her knees, hiding her face in her hands while tears streaming down.

[ Natsu P.O.V]

We looked at her soul that returned to lucy's body and right after that lucy's body started glowing tears started gathering her eyes.

'' She's crying. '' Erza said shocked.

'' Luce Wake up! '' Natsu yelled in her face''

[Lucy P.O.V]

'' Mom!'' She yelled in the emptiness and cried like she never cried before.

'' Lucy Wake up!'' A voice echoed.

'' Natsu?.... '' She opens her eyes and looks right in natsu's eyes.

'' Luce please don't cry.....'' Natsu wipes her tears of.

'' I ....My Mom...'' She starteed crying more.

'' Did you meet your mother?'' Erza interrupted shocked.

Lucy nodded.

'' Yes I did'' her fists hardens.

Everybody looked sadly at her and said not a word for a good while.

'' So...My soul was pure white?'' I asked and looked at Breanon.

Breanon nodded and sighed. '' Seems like it''

'' What happens now then? '' I asked.

'' we'll protect you of course from those who are out to get you'' Natsu smiled at me.

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