Chapter Fourteen..........The Show [Final]

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Helooooo Minna^^

This is the last chappie for this story :3 Yes its abit sad but yeah every story has to come to an end :>

Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail


Last Time in Light war.....

'' You did it Lucy'' Wendy cheered.

'' Good job!'' Gray and Erza shouted.

'' Aye sir!'' Happy and Natsu shouted together.

'' Who threw the chair'' she screamed.

They all pointed to Gray.

'' Fuck .... '' Gray said scared.

'' Gray!'' Lucy went to him.

'' Her name is......Lucy .....Lucy heartfilia.'' The woman said with a serious face.

Everyone gasped and looked at Lucy.

'' Helo my beautiful daughter'' She said while looking at her.

'' M....Mom?..'' Lucy's eyes fell into tears.

'' What the? can it be?'' Breanon said.

'' Black magic'' Murmed Erza.

A girl was sitting in the park crying.

'' You okay? '' A voice asked.

'' Give them a nice welcoming. '' He chuckled.

'' Yes master. '' The person bowed and walked out from the room.

'' Lets go and save the bunny girl. I think Salamander is having a hard time Without us.'' Gajeel smirks.

'' Fairy Tail........... ATTACK! '' she screamed and they all charged forward.

'' We did it! ''

~Lets START the final Chappie :DD


The door swung open.

'' We are Home!!'' Natsu yelled.

Everyone turned around and started screaming in joy and started ask questions.

'' Lucy!'' Levy yelled and started hugging her best friend.

'' I've missed you to levy.'' Lucy smiled and hugged her back.

They threw a party and later on the evening the show started.

'' Welcome to Fairy Tails own Talent show!'' Mirajane said.

The crowed screamed like crazy.

''Thank you everyone for coming and we are going to start right away.

'' We're is Lucy-san?'' Wendy asked in the middle of the crowed.

'' I dunno.'' Natsu said while eating a sandwish.

'' Here comes the first group to sing. '' Mirajane annouced. '' Lucy Amarisa Juvia and Levy! '' She shouted.

Lucy Amarisa Juvia and Levy went on the stage. 

( check the multimedia and you can see how their outfits lookes like.(;

Juvia took a guitar and levy went to the drums and Amarisa took the base while Lucy went to the microphone.

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