Chapter Six............A Date

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Ola ola minna^^
A new Cover for the story and Here's the next chappie for u all^^

I do not own Fairy tail Hiromashima does

[ Amarisa P.O.V]
We had got our reward and was now outside the guild. Natsu opened the door and everyone in there looked at us.
'' We are back!!'' He shouted while he smiled a big smile.
'' Ohaio!! '' Everybody greeted them.
'' They are like a big family'' I though while I smiled to myself and started walking in with the others and we sat down at a table.

'' Mira can I get a glass of water please? '' I asked and looked at mira.
'' Sure thing '' She smiled and started pouring water in a glass and gave it to me.
'' Thanks''
'' Anytime! Don't forget to sign up for the show next week'' She walked walked to the bar again.
'' He had no chance against us!'' natsu laughed
'' I thought he was pretty strong '' I said.
'' He was certainly very strong, but no one beats Fairy Tail's strongest team'' Gray looked at me.
'' yeah your right '' Lucy giggled.
'' Of course it's true'' Erza smiled and had her arms crossed and smiled her usual smile.
I felt that someone looked at me and I turned my head and saw that Breanon looking at me with an anxious facial expression.
'' Is something wrong?'' I asked him.
'' Are you sure you are okey?'' He asked worried.
'' so? '' I looked at him with a thoughtful face.
'' You have a large wound on your arm.'' He grabbed my arm and showed me the huge wound that was really deep into the arm.
'' I'm fine don't worry ''
'' Maybe you should check it out..'' He replied worried.
'' I said I'm fine''
'' Really? '' He moved my arm abit and I felt the pain in my arm, but I tried not to show how much it hurt.
'' Y-yeah'' I lied.
'' No you do not feel well, I can see how you're trying not to show it'' He said a little higher with a tone that was really serious.
'' Why do you care about it? it is my wound. '' I looked at him really annoyed.
'' I'm just worried about you, that's all .... '' He looked down and blushed.
Everyone at the table looked at him and watched with wide eyes when they saw him blush.
'' Okay ... I'll check it out.'' I smiled.
He looked up and grinned. '' Thanks ''
'' Can I have a look at the wound?'' A voice asked.
We looked towards the voice and saw that it was Wendy who asked.
'' Sure'' I gave her my arm.
Wendy started healing it and after a few minutes the wound was gone.
'' Wow Thanks wendy! ''
'' No problem '' Wendy smiled sweetly.
'' It's probably time to go home and rest up for tomorrow. It's been a long day.'' Erza said.
'' She's right'' Natsu yawned.
They stood up and said goodnight and went in different directions.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Light war~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[ Lucy P.O.V]
Amarisa and I sat in bed and talked.
'' I think he likes you '' I said and smiled.
'' You think so? '' Her face lit up.
'' Yes '' I nodded.
'' I think Natsu likes you too '' She said teasingly.

I started blushing and tried to hide it with my hands.
Natsu likes me?....Is that true?....Wait! Why Am I even thinking This'? Sure I likes him...But I don't think he likes me in that way....Or is he? ….I must stop thinking about this. He only sees me as a friend and a partner.
'' Lucy you are blushing'' I heard a voice say.
'' What?''
'' I said Lucy you are blushing'' Amarisa poked my cheek.
'' I'm sorry I just spaced out. ''
'' You likes him don't ya?''
'' Yes i do. But I can already forget it. He only likes me as a partner and a friend.'' I told her.
''Nothing is impossible.'' She replied.
'' Yeah yeah i know...Can we please change subject?''
'' Sure thing ''
'' What are your hobbies Amarisa? '' I asked.
'' I really like to dance and Read.'' She said blushing.
'' You like reading? Me to! ''
'' You do? '' Her face lit up in a bright smile.
'' Yes I even write novels.'' I smiled.
'' Can I read one someday?'' She asked.
'' Sure thing Amarisa''
'' Then what are your hobbies lucy? ''
'' well....I really like readin and writing but I also love's to sing...But noone nows that. I'm to shy to tell them.''
'' You can sing? You don't have to be shy. I'm sure you are a great singer.''
'' You haven't even heard me...'' I looked down.
'' But I'm sure you are a good singer anyway. ''
'' Thanks Amarisa '' I hugged her.
''And if natsu do not see how beautiful you are and I'll get him to like it'' Amarisa said and grinned.
'' Thanks Amarisa'' I giggled.
'' Anytime Lucy'' She laughed.
Her face then lit up.
'' I remember now that mira told me that the guild is going to have a show next week. '' She said.
'' Really?''
'' Yes and I want you to sing to show them all that you can sing '' She looked me in the eyes.
'' but...I'm so shy to sing infront of so many peopels. '' I blushed.
'' I can sing with you If you want '' She smiled.
'' Really?''
'' Yes ''
'' Okey just becaus you are gonna sing with me. '' I replied.
She hugged me and thanked me and we started planning on what song we would sing and then we fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Light war~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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