Chapter Eight.........Maison

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Helloooo Minaa^^

I didn't know if I was going to update today but yeah I did anyway.

I do not own Fairy Tail Hiromashima does.


'' Who is this? '' Amarisa Asked and showed me a picture of a woman and a man . The woman looked exacly like Lucy with a beautiful smile.
'' This was my mother and father.''
'' Was?''
'' Yes...My mom died when i was little and my dad died when I was in 7 years of sleep.'' I said with a sad voice.
'' Oh...I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't have asked...'' Amarisa putted the picture on the desk again.
'' Its okay Amarisa. '' I smiled. '' You didn't know.''
'' still...''
'' Please tell me about your parents''
'' I have no parents......'' She said with dark eyes.
'' You don't have any parents? ''
'' Yes....They left me when I was a little girl.....Thats when I meet Breanon. ''

A girl was sitting in the park crying.
'' You okay? '' A voice asked.
They girl looked up too see if she was just imagine it and when I did I saw a boy with blonde hair.
'' Yeah I'm okay....'' She wiped her tears and faked smiled.
'' Why are you crying?'' He asked.
'' My parents...they left me...'' She said with tears in her eyes.
'' They did? Do you want to live at my house ? I can't leave you here alone. '' He asked.
'' No I'm fine. '' She lied.
'' No your not....'' He took the girl's hand and started dragging her with him.
'' Why are you helping me? '' I asked.
'' I dunno....Maybe becaus I want us to be friends '' He replied.
'' Friends? ''
'' Yes friends '' He smiled at her.
The Girl smiled and laughed.
'' My name is Breanon by the way. Whats your name?'' He asked.
'' My name is Amarisa '' The girl Grinned.
'' Well Amarisa lets be partners for now on.''
'' Okay '' Her face lit up and smiled.

[ Flashback End! Lucy's P.O.V]
I could feel tears gather in my eyes.
'' Thats so...sweet and nice of him. '' I smiled.

'' Yeah He was the on that helped me. Without him I maybe would comite suicide. '' She said.
I hugged her.
'' Your not alone''
'' Thanks Lucy.''
Then a part of the house blew up.
'' What the'?'' I looked up from where I laying on the floor.
'' Its him! '' Amarisa stood up and looked in horror as a man appeard where the wall was broken.
'' Nice to see you to Amarisa'' He glared evil.
'' Maison....Why are you here'?? '' She asked.
'' I'm here for the white soul of course.''
'' Well you are not getting it. ''
'' Stupid girl....You never learn '' He smiled and disappeard and appeard behind amarisa.

[ Amarisa P.O.V]
''Crap! He Is so fast '' I though as I saw him appear behind me.
He stabbed me in the back with his sword and I screamed in pain when the sword went right through my chest.
'' Amarisa!! '' I heard A voice yell and then everything went black.

[ Lucy P.O.V]
I watched in horror as the sword went right through her chest.
'' Amarisa!! '' I yelled and saw her fall to the floor with blood all over her.
'' Now you are coming with me'' He said and that was the last thing I heard before Everything went black.
'' Natsu.....Please save me....'' I though and falled into sleep from his spell.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Light war~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At the Guild Normal P.O.V]

'' Stupid moron! Thats my pants!! '' Gray shouted while chasing Natsu that had his pants.
'' You Never catch me ice freak! ''
'' We'll see about that! '' Gray shouted and jumped on top of natsu and snapped his pants from his hands and started putting the pants on. But when He was done The doors opend and a bright light appeard at the door and they saw a shadow and then they saw who It was.
'' Amarisa! Where have you been? You are missing all the.....'' Breanon stopped and looked in horror what Amarisa had in her chest.
'' Minna.....'' She cough blood and started falling to the ground.
'' Amarisa!! '' Breanon yelled and caught her in time and pulled her close to him.
Wendy ran to amarisa and pulled out the sword and started healing.
'' What In the world have happend to her? '' Everybody whispeard in fear.
'' Take her to the infirmary! '' Wendy yelled and Breanon and Natsu carried her to the infirmary and wendy started taking care of her while the others except Erza and Gray And Happy and Charlie waited outside.

A few hours have passed when Amarisa finally woke up.
'' How do you feel? '' Wendy asked worried.
'' I have felt better '' Amarisa said.
'' Who did this to you? ''Breanon looked at her with a serious facial expression but still very.

'' Maison........'' She looked down.
'' That bastard....when I find him I'm gonna kill him. '' Breanon punched his fist in the table.
'' Do you know this guy? '' Erza looked at Amarisa and Breanon.
'' Yes....He is an old enemy....Always trying to ruin everything. '' Breanon sighed.
'' How did He find you? '' Natsu asked.
Amarisa got a shocked facial expression.
'' Crap...crap....Crap!!'' She screamed.
'' What is it Amarisa-san?'' Wendy looked worried.
'' He destroyed lucy's wall.....He was after the white soul....He was after Lucy......He captured her!'' Amarisa started crying.
'' He did what?? '' Natsu was pissed off .
'' He is going to take out her soul to take over the world. '' Breanon replied.
'' I'm sorry Natsu...Minna...He was to fast....'' Amarisa started crying more.
'' We know you tried to protect her. So don't be so hard on yourself...'' Gray said.
Everyone nodded and sighed.
'' That Guy is sooo going to pay! '' Natsu punshed the wall with his fist.
'' We have to talk to master first before we go! '' Erza told him.
'' But We don't even know where he is and maybe he started taking her soul as we speak.'' Charle said.
'' I know...He is there He always is....He has a Castle in the big forest a mile from here....'' Amarisa told them.
'' Should we tell master'? '' Wendy asked.
'' I Think its for the best If we don't '' Breanon.
'' If we tell the others He can start targeting them to not just lucy. And we can't take that risk. '' Amarisa Replied.
'' She's right '' Natsu looked down.
'' Then its Settled! Me Natsu Gray Wendy Happy Charle and Breanon Is going! '' Erza told them.
'' But what about me? I wanna help to! '' Amarisa shouted while sitting up.
'' But you are hurt Amarisa! '' Breanon looked at her.
'' I can handle myself thank you '' She stood up.
'' Okay we are all going.'' Natsu Nodded.
'' Lets do this! '' Happy shouted.
'' Let's save Luce!! '' Natsu screamed.
'' Aye Sir!!'' Everyone agreed and screamed.

~~~~~~~~Light war~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Lucy P.OV]
He kicked me to the floor and chained me in a cell and took my keys.
'' Now you can't go anywhere.'' Maison laughed and locked the door and disappeard.
I ran with the chain on my foot and started banging on the door.

'' Let me out you freak!!''
No answer.
'' Huuuh...'' I sighed and sat down and leaned her head against the wall.
'' I must escape somehow.....'' I looked around and saw a sharp small object. I reached for it and took hold of it and began to pick the lock.
'' Yesh!'' I screamed in my mind as I got free and started picking the door lock and walked out.

No one was around. I crept to the door and opened it. I sneaked into the great hall where there was a huge table in the middle and a royal chair at the head of the table then it was just regular chairs.
'' Going somewhere??''
I looked up to see maison look down at me .
'' Crap''

Maison appeard once again when lucy fails on running away.
What will happen now'?
Is Natsu and the others succed in rescuing Lucy or what if something goes terribly wrong.

Thats it for this chappie^^


Next time in light war:

'' We have uninvited visioters.'' Another voice said.
Maison grinned.
'' Give them a nice welcoming. '' He chuckled.

'' Let us pass!'' Said natsu threatening.
'' My master told me to not let anyone disturbe him when his working.''

'' Fairy Tail Nice to see you'' Maison grinned.
'' Let luce go you bastard.'' Natsu looked really pissed off.

I see ya maybe tomorrow or on saturday^^
See ya Minna:D

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