Chapter 36-Tris

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   Maybe I've been here before. I've seen this room and I've walked this floor. It seems to be Dauntless. But I didn't choose Dauntless. I stayed in Abnegation. With my dad. Marcus Eaton. I must be Beatrice Eaton. My brother, Tobias left us two years ago. That bastard.
"Beatrice." Marcus says, disrupting my daydream.
"Yes Father." I reply.
"Get on the chair." He points to the chair. The chair of pain. Where my dad beats me when he is unhappy with me. After my brother left, all the beatings he used to receive fell on my shoulders. It was foolish of him to leave us.
"Yes sir."
I get on the chair and squeeze my eyes closed. I patiently wait for the leather to hit my skin. And then it does. The pain in my back bursts,and I almost scream. But I can't,because then he would give me more. I slowly count.The mighty fall,then the major lift. Ten times is usual, but the most I've gotten before passing out from the pain was 34. Then and there Marcus broke my throne. The throne everyone is entitled to when they are born. But mine was taken away. And the pieces are so small that I may not be able to put them together again.

After Marcus is done, I walk around the compound. That's when I spot him. Tobias fucking Eaton. When he catches a glance at me,he runs to me. Before my brain registers it, he has his lips on mine.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream,pushing him away. But a secret, minuscule part of me wants him to kiss me again. And again. And again. And indefinitely.
"Tris? What's wrong?"
"I don't know who Tris is,but it isn't me. You're my brother. Why did you kiss me?"
"I'm not your brother."
"Yes you are you bastard." And I walk away. The weirdest things happen to me. When I look back, you can see his world crumpling in his eyes. What is wrong with him? Whatever it is, he should never do it again. Why did my brother kiss me?
I guess I will never know.

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