Chapter 8

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Nina's POV

"What am I suppose to do Kat?" I said sighing as I ate more icecream. "I don't know Nina maybe he just needs his space." "Candice?" "Nina you hurt him no man wants to hear they're not satisfying their wife." I groaned. "Phoebe?" I asked as I looked at her to see her texting and giggling. "Huh? oh um yeah Nina you probably made him think you don't want him anymore." I sat up from the couch. "So basically I was wrong?" I asked looking at the girls. They all nodded. "Claire?" "You probably just need to sit and talk to each other." I groaned "How! Ian fucking avoids me every chance he gets! All he does is come home spend time with Alex and cool dinner sometimes then he sleeps in the guest room and by the morning he's gone shooting for the movie." "Well why don't you tell us why you said that?" Candice said and all the girls nodding. "I just wanted to hurt him for leaving me in that underwater cave by myself." I huffed. "Wait I thought that happened before he left you?" Kat asked. Oh now she pays attention. "Ladies focus how am I suppose to talk to him when he avoids me then he spends time with his costar all day long!" I said irritated. "Wait Nina don't tell me your feeling insecure?" Candice said looking at me expectantly. "Well she's beautiful and he doesn't spend time with me." "You have to stop feeling so insecure Ian loves you your his wife for crying out loud." "That's right and the mother of his child." I nodded. "But I want to find out more." "No Nina you have to trust him." Kat argued. "I do trust him I just don't trust her." "Have you ever met her?" Claire asked. I shook my head. "So why don't you trust her?" I shrugged. "My husband is hot a lot of women are attracted to him." "Nina just let it go and trust Ian." I nodded. "Alright I'll let it go." They all nodded. I just needed the girls off my back if Ian isn't spending time with me then he's spending time with Carmen. I need to know what the hell he's doing. I looked at my phone. He's still at the set. I quickly got up. "I'm gonna go I have to cook dinner for Alex." They nodded on their phones. I quickly got in my car and drove to the set Ian was shooting at. The doors were closed when I got there but the back one was unlocked. I went in and saw Ian and Carmen. She was touching his face and his arms were pushing her away. "You don't have to keep fighting I know you want me as much as I want you." She said staring into his eyes. He shook his head and walked off. She ran to him and spun him around and kissed him. He pulled away and they stared into each other eyes before he kissed her passionately. He pulled her hair roughly and she moaned. "I don't know what it is about you that makes me want you so fucking much." I felt tears fall down my eyes as I watched that. I knew something was going on! I knew he was cheating! I had had enough I rushed over there and slapped Ian hard across the face. "You lying cheating bastard!" How could you!" "Nina?" "Oh what the hell!" "Cut!" The lights came on and the director and everybody else was looking at me. Oh no. Don't tell me I just ruined a scene. "Um can I talk to my wife in private please?" "Take 10 then afterwards we have to reshoot that whole scene over!" Before I knew it I was being pulled in a different direction. "What the hell are you doing here?" "Ian I'm sorry-" "Lying cheating bastard? Really Nina? We're back to the damn cheating accusations!" "I know how this must look-" "Nina you barged into set ruined my scene then you have the audacity to accuse me of cheating on you?" "Did our vows mean shit to you on our wedding day?"
"I know baby-" "I thought we had more trust than that even when your the one doing the fucking lying in this marriage!" I let the tears fall down my eyes continuously. I had made things way worst. I should have just left it alone. Damnit Nina why can't you listen! "I wanted to fix things between us-" "Fix things?" He laughed sarcastically. "Is that what you thought you were doing out there? Fixing things? Because to me you were fucking things up!" "Ian i-" "You know what Nina I don't care." "I can explain-" "Why the fuck would you even bring our marital problems here instead of leaving them at home where they fucking belong?" "I know and I understand how you must-" "Nina I'm fucking embarrassed that stunt you just pulled in there was completely unprofessional." "I know and I'm sorry the girls told me not to-" "Wait? You were warned and you still pulled this shit!" "Do you just not give a damn about anything besides you and what you want right now? Do you not fucking think before you go off and do stupid wreck less shit?" Each word felt like a stab in my stomach and he was slowly twisting the knife. I knew he was angry but I never knew he could be this upset. He was right though I  haven't really been supportive of him and I have just been doing things without thinking about the consequences of it. However that didn't stop the tears from falling down my eyes. "Ian I can't began to apologize-" He held up his hand. "You know what stop. Just stop." I sighed. This was pointless he was so pissed right now he wouldn't even let me finish a sentence. "I've had enough." He took a deep breath before looking at me his eyes softening and wiping away my tears with his thumb. "You have been distant lately which only means your hiding something then your lying to me again and on top of it all your insecurities are back and you have no trust in me." He took my hand in his. "Nina I love you with all my heart and I love you for who you are flaws and all but lately your just a lot to deal with and I need to focus on this movie." "Maybe afterwards we can work on our marriage but for now just take care of yourself and Alex." He kissed my forehead then walked out. In that moment I broke down and cried
harder. What the hell is wrong with me!

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