Chapter 9

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Nina's POV

I found out that Ian was shooting the movie in a new area because apparently the director got a new image on how the movie's gonna be. He was leaving me and Alex to go shoot these scenes with his costar Carmen. After that blowup at his job we have been on the war path. I gave Ian an ultimatum I told him he either quit this movie or I would be gone when he gets back. I was just so pissed at him for spending so much time with Carmen. They are no longer just costars no they are friends now, and they have been hanging out with each other a lot lately. Which only pissed me off more. I mean what woman wants her husband spending so much time with another woman. I didn't know what to do. I was practically pushing him away again. And for what? I didn't know. Maybe it was because things were never gonna be the same until I told him the truth of why I was so distant in the first place. I walked upstairs and opened the door to our bedroom. Alex was crying in Ian's arms and that broke my heart. "Daddy I don't want you to go away." "Shh I know princess and daddy doesn't wanna leave you but he has to go for the movie." "Can't you just quit and stay with me and mama?" He picked her up and wiped her tears. "Listen princess daddy has to go because it's his job but I promise you as soon as we're all done I'll take you to Disneyland." "Really? Disneyland? You promise?" "I sure do princess." "Yay is mama coming?" He sighed. "Of course Alex it'll be a family trip." He said kissing her cheek. She cheered and he put her down and she ran over to me. "Mama! mama! mama! Did you hear that? When daddy gets back we're taking a family trip to Disneyland!" She was giggling and smiling. I smiled back. "I sure did sweetie we are gonna have lots of fun." "I know I'm so excited I can't wait!" She said running out of the room. I walked over to see Ian packing his bags. "Disneyland huh?" I asked sitting on the bed. Silence. "Were you serious about that?" "Were you serious about leaving if I continued this movie?" He said looking up at me. "Yes I was." I said standing my ground. He stared into my eyes. Then he looked away and grabbed his bag. Was I destroying this marriage? Maybe I was. But we have been through worst right? I went downstairs to see him hugging our daughter tightly. "Daddy will miss you princess be good for me." "I will daddy." She kissed his cheek and he stood back up. "Wait daddy aren't you gonna kiss mama goodbye?" Ian looked over at me and I just stared back not knowing what to say. "We already said our goodbyes princess." He said grabbing his bags and walking out. I sighed. I made my way to our bedroom and got in bed only to snuggle into my pillow and cry. I thought back to simpler times when everything was perfect.

I smiled down at Alex. "He's going to find us mommy." "Shh no he won't just be quiet." "I know Nina's good at playing hide and seek but I know my princess won't hide from me forever." She giggled in my arms. "Come on princess if you come out now we'll go get icecream." Her eyes practically lit up when she heard that. She absolutely loved icecream. I knew I had to let her go or she'd get us both caught. So when Ian turned around and looked in the closet I let her go and she ran out of the room laughing. He immediately turned around and went out the room. "I heard my princess precious giggle where are you?" I chose that moment to move and ran into the bedroom quickly trying not to be seen. I heard a growl and more laughing. "Grrrr gotcha." Ian picked Alex up tickling her. "Hiding from daddy will get you attacked by the tickle monster." Alex squealed. "I'll stop if you tell me where mommy is." "Okay okay I'll show you." He stopped and put her down and she grabbed his hand and brought him to our previous hiding spot. That girl will give anything she could to get icecream. I rolled my eyes. Just like Ian to use our weaknesses against us. "She was right here daddy." Ian picked her up and put her on his back. "Well seems like mommy knew you'd give up her spot and escaped." "Can we still get icecream?" He chuckled. "Of course princess." They went downstairs and Ian fixed Alex a strawberry icecream cone. "Now you stay here I'm going to find mommy." He came back upstairs and continued his search. Then he came into the room where I was. "Oh Nina your going to get it when I find you." That's why I'm not letting you find me. "Hmm maybe she's in our bedroom." He said getting up and walking out. I took that as my opportunity to change spots but as soon as I ran out the room Ian caught me. "Ahah I knew that would get you." He picked up and put me over his shoulder making me laugh. He carried me to our bedroom and threw me on the bed playfully then held me down as he tickled me. "Ian please stop I can't take anymore." I said breathlessly. "Hmm should I grant you mercy?" I nodded still laughing. "Nah you had me look around this entire house for you." I wiggled around as he tickled me everywhere trying to stop laughing but to no avail. "Mhmm you'll think twice about hiding from me and getting our princess involved huh?" I nodded still laughing. He was laughing too. When he finally stopped we were both trying to catch our breaths. Ian looked down at me and I smiled still breathless. He leaned down our eyes locked on each other's. He let my arms go before his eyes flicked down to my lips briefly. Then his soft lips brushed mine. He pulled away looked at me saw that we both wanted it then kissed me tenderly. I put my hands on his face slowly taking control of the kiss. I flipped him over straddling his hips then lifted up my shirt. He threw it to the side and started trailing soft sensual kisses down my neck and shoulder. I tangled my fingers in his hair moaning at the feeling. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and started trailing kisses at my collar bone slowly making his way further down.

"Mama I'm hungry can we eat tacos?" I turned around to see my beautiful daughter standing in the doorway of our bedroom. "Sure honey." She looked at me and quickly ran and climbed in bed. Then she put her small fingers to my face and wiped under my eyes. "Mama why are you crying?" I didn't want Alex seeing me upset. I wiped my face. "I'm fine sweetie." "Are sad because daddy is gone?" She was so damn intuitive for her age. I nodded. "I'm going to miss your daddy but while he's gone me and you are going to have fun." Her eyes held mild excitement. "How are we going to have fun without daddy?" I jumped up quickly being all excited. "We are going to have a girls day." Her eyes lit up. "Really just the two of us?" I laughed nodding. "That's right honey just the two of us." She laughed jumping up and down on the bed. "When do we start Mama?" "We'll start right after we eat those tacos." She nodded and climbed off the bed running out of the room. I went into my bathroom and wiped my face then headed downstairs.

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