Chapter 5

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Nina's POV

"Alex can I come in we need to talk sweetie." I asked knocking on my daughter's door. "Am I in trouble?" I took a deep breath and went inside. "I just got a call from your teacher, what's this I hear about you giving your lunch money to some girl in school?" She immediately frowned. "She's mean mama she told me to give her my money or she would hit me." "What?" "She said not to tell anyone or she would make me eat mud pie." What! Alex is being bullied! I took a deep breath trying to calm down. I can't believe this. "Its okay sweetie I'm going to handle it okay and the next time the girl tells you to give her something tell her no. Okay you don't have to listen to her or be scared anymore alright Alex. She nodded hugging me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you mama." "Its okay honey I'm not mad." At you. I'm pissed that someone has been bullying my ten year old daughter. "Alright I'm gonna go fix lunch would would you like?" "Apples and a sandwich." I nodded. "Sure." I left the room and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed the bread and the ham and cheese in the fridge. Then I grabbed two green apples and a small bowl and the container of caramel. I started fixing the sandwiches then I cut the apples in slices and put it on a plate. I poured the caramel in the small bowl and sat the sandwich on the plate as well. Just then I heard the door open and saw Ian pulling off his jacket. "Hey." He said kissing my cheek. "Hey we need to talk." "Hmm about what?" He said grabbing an apple slice and dipping it in the caramel and eating it. "Alex has been being bullied at school." "What!" He said looking at me seriously. "Yeah I got a call from her teacher apparently some girl has been taking her lunch money. And threatening to hit her and make her eat mud if she didn't do it." "How long has this shit been going on?" "According to her teacher Ms Davis its been going on for weeks. And get this its not just Alex its happening to other students as well." "Well I'm going to that school right now because nobody is going to get away with hurting my princess." He said standing up and grabbing his keys. "Wait Ian I'll handle it." "When?" "I'll go tomorrow." "Good." He said throwing his keys back down. I know how protective Ian is over Alexandra. "Alex come eat!" I shouted. A few minutes later she came downstairs and sat down on the chair by the bar. "Hi daddy!" She said running into Ian's arms and he immediately picked her up. "Hi daddy's princess." He said kissing her cheek. "Guess what I have a secret to tell you." She said smiling. "Well I'm all ears." She leant over and whispered something in his ear. He smiled and looked at me. "Well we already know I make amazing cookies but knowing your whole class loves them makes me happy." I rolled my eyes. Cocky ass. "Daddy that was a secret." She said hitting him playfully. "Oh yeah well has anyone ever told you that I suck at keeping secrets." He said throwing her over his shoulder making her laugh. "Daddy put me down!" He pretended to drop her then lifted her over his shoulder. "Alright go eat your lunch princess." He said putting her down while I put everything up. She sat back down and began eating. Ian grabbed another one of her apples and dipped it caramel. "Hey that's mine!" Alex said laughing. "Oops." He said smiling. "Ian stop eating her apples and caramel if you want some fix it." Just then Ian smiled at me with a glint in his eyes. Oh no. Before I knew it Ian had rubbed the apple all over my cheek. I glared at him. "Ian your going to get me sticky." "I'll wipe it if you make me some." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." He smirked then grabbed my arm pulled me to him and licked the caramel off my cheek. "Ian!" I giggled and tried pushing him off but he was stronger. When he pulled away he smirked at me. "I never said how I would wipe it off." I rolled my eyes and made the caramel and apples. "Alright you big kid come eat your snack." Ian looked up from his phone and pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I kissed him back tasting the caramel and apple on his tongue. He pulled away. "Enjoy your snack Neens." "You asked for this not me." "I didn't ask I negotiated with you and again I never said I'd eat it." I glared at him and he just winked and walked off. Fucking Ian! I sat down next to Alex and began eating the apples and caramel. It was actually good. When Alex finished her snack she washed her hands and went back upstairs to her room. I finished off the apples and did the dishes. Then I laid on the couch in the living room thinking about today's events. I grabbed my phone and scrolled down my Instagram feed. I saw a picture of Ian and some random woman. I looked at the caption.

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