Chapter 10

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Ian's POV

After we finished shooting me and Carmen decided to go to a bar. I was just there to drink and forget about how my marriage is being tested. I closed my eyes. She accused me of cheating. She ruined a scene when we were shooting. Hell she claims I don't satisfy her in bed. I don't know what to do. Then my Alex I miss her so much already. Daddy's princess. I can't believe she really threatened to take my daughter away from me if I kept doing this movie. She told me I had her full support! "What's going on Ian your quiet." I looked at her and picked up my drink. "Sorry just got a lot on my mind." "Then come dance with me I'll definitely get your mind off of things." "What the hell." I said downing my drink and getting up. I took her hand and led her to the dancefloor as we faced each other and started dancing. I had to admit she was a good dancer. "Your officially done worrying. While I'm here I'm going to make sure you have fun." "Sounds good." After a while we started drinking shots. Then we were back on the dancefloor. Soon enough we made our way to my hotel room. I was a bit drunk and we needed to relocate and film tomorrow so I needed to rest. "I had to admit it took a lot of drinks to get you this way." I laughed. "What about you? how are you not dizzy?" I said sitting down on the chair by the lamp. "When you drink as much as I do you kinda get immune to it and its tolerable." "Sounds like you live for the fun single life." I said chuckling. "Sometimes I do sometimes but I would like to be with someone I have chemistry with and who's a total hottie like you." "Well I know I'm hot but damn." I said making her laugh. "Thanks for getting my mind off things I really need a distraction from my thoughts." I said seriously. "No problem." She gave me a small smile. "I knew you were a cool person from your interviews." I smiled. "That's so sweet I'm glad your my costar." "I'm glad your mine as well" "So tell me what's bothering you Ian." I sighed heavily. "Its my wife she's just been so distant lately and I don't know what to do." "Ah the wife she's pretty kinda crazy but I see why she got so upset. I mean I wouldn't want my sexy husband near another women let alone kissing her." "I get that I do because if the roles were reversed I wouldn't like her kissing another guy. But the reality of it is we are actors this is what we do. This is where the trust comes in. We were acting. Besides things have been rocky for awhile lately and I don't know what's going on with her." "How's your daughter doing?" I smiled. "She's doing good I told my princess we would go to Disneyland." "That's awesome your the dad of the year huh Ian." I smiled. "I guess so. I love that little girl more than life itself she's my little princess." I looked up at her. "Do you want kids Carmen?" "Maybe later on in life but not now which is why I'm on birth control." "Oh well when you do your definitely gonna be a great mother." "You really think so?" I nodded. "Of course." I leaned back against the chair. "That means a lot to me." I closed my eyes and felt light kisses on my neck. I opened my eyes to see Carmen smiling at me. I frowned at her. "What are you doing?" "Trying to get you forget about your problems." She said leaning in to kiss me. I shook my head and sat up pushing her away gently. "No this isn't right I'm married." "But your not happily married." She whispered seductively wrapping her arms around my neck. "I want you Ian. I can make you forget all about your troubles just give into your desires." I grabbed Carmen arms lightly pulling them from around me. "Look Carmen I don't know what you thought was going to happen between us but whatever it was. You need to get it out of your head. I'm a married man and although I'm having marital problems right now I love my wife and nothing's ever gonna change that, she's the only woman I want. You and me are just costars. We had a lot to drink let's just forget about this okay?" She stared into my eyes. "I thought we were friends?" I shook my head. "I'm sorry Carmen I just don't think its a good idea that we stay friends when you feel something towards me. That's more than friendship." "I understand I'm just complicating things. I just really enjoyed our time together on and off set and I just started feeling things out of nowhere. We can keep it strictly professional between us if that's what you want." "Yeah it is." She stood up and walked towards the door. "Goodnight Ian." "Night Carmen." "Ian?" "Yes?" "I'm sorry about this." "Its okay its the drinks talking right?" I said sparing her a teasing smirk. She laughed and nodded. "For sure see you tomorrow." "See ya." She left the room and I got up and locked the door. I need to sleep this off. I grabbed some clothes from my bag then I headed into the bathroom to take a shower. I cleaned my body from head to toe and washed my hair. Then I stepped out and got dressed. I took out the pictures I brought with me. I had brought a total of three pictures with me. One picture was when Alex was still a baby and Nina was holding her in her arms smiling at me as I took the picture. The second picture was of me and Alex with big smiles on our faces playing in the park 4 weeks ago. The last picture was of all three of us at the water park. I had my arms around Nina's waist kissing her cheek while she had a radiant smile on her face and Alex was on my neck with big silly glasses and a big smile on her face. I smiled at the pictures. How I missed my girls. I put them all on my nightstand. I climbed in bed and hooked my phone to the charger. Then I closed my eyes and let sleep takeover.

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