Chapter 11

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Nina's POV

Its been 3 weeks and I've spent those weeks bonding with Alex. When she got off of school and finished her work of course. She's been keeping my mind off of Ian and my guilt for the most part. In the beginning she was fine laughing and being her especially cheery self. I took her to the nail salon and we had a girls day. She got her nails painted purple since it was her favorite color. We went to the mall and I bought her a few new outfits along with some shoes. I took her out to get ice cream while she played in the park. We went to the zoo to look at the animals. I watched her favorite shows with her while we baked cookies. She was so smart and talented. She was directing me in the kitchen no doubt learning all of that from watching her daddy cook so much. However it wasn't always easy. Alex missed Ian a lot and sometimes she would refuse to do what I told her for attention. Ian wasn't answering any of my calls or messages no doubt still mad at me and I didn't know what to do. Like today she threw a fit when I told her to go take a bath so now she's standing in the corner. I know it couldn't be easy for her with her daddy being gone for so long but I was still her mother and she had to listen to me. I sat the dinner plate down with the chicken and steamed vegetables then looked at her. "Alex come eat dinner." "I don't want it." She huffed. "I wasn't asking I was telling now come eat." I demanded. My tone of voice authoritative. She didn't move. "I want daddy." I sighed. "Alex daddy's not here I am. I know you miss him but I'm still your mother and you have to listen to me as well daddy. Now come on and eat your dinner." "No! You put vegetables in there." "There good for you. You can be big and strong one day. And its important to eat healthy." I tried reasoning with her. "No I want daddy! I don't want vegetables." I was at the end of my rope with her. "Okay you know what let's Facetime daddy and see what he has to say." I grabbed my phone and video called Ian. While it ranged I silently prayed he'd answer. Because I didn't know what to do with Alexandra. She's never acted like this before and I had no idea how to handle it. Not to mention I really missed my husband. Seems like my prayers were answered because he picked up. He wasn't looking in the camera though he was talking to someone. "Alex come say hi to daddy." Her eyes immediately lit up as she ran to the phone. "Yea give me a sec." He finally looked at the screen. "Hi princess!" He said with a big smile on his face. "Hi daddy I miss you so much!" "I miss you guys too." She pouted.   "When are you coming home?" "I'll be home in just a few more weeks honey." "You promise?" He nodded. "I promise then we can all go to Disneyland." She giggled in excitement. "So how's school princess?" "Its good the mean girl isn't bullying me anymore and I get snacks when I help my teachers." "I'm glad to hear it. And I see my little princess is a teacher's pet huh?" He chuckled. "How's the school work its not too hard for you huh?" She shook her head with a smile on her face. "No its pretty easy but that's because I'm really smart." He chuckled. "You sure are and don't ever let anyone tell you your not. Now where's mommy?" "She's right here." "Uh huh. Hand her the phone." She handed me back the phone. "Hey." I said casually. "Hey listen Nina I'm sorry I haven't been answering your calls I've just been really busy." I nodded in understanding. "Its fine I actually called about Alex." "What's going on?"  I sighed. "Her behavior has been rather difficult. She's been acting out because your not here and I don't know what to do." "What? Acting out like how?" "When I tell her to do something she either says no or ignores me and don't do it." He nodded. "I'll handle it. Give her back the phone." "Alex come here daddy wants to talk to you." She came running to the phone and I handed it to her. "So mommy has told me some interesting things just now. You want to tell me why your not listening to her?" His voice was authoritative and she looked terrified. Her eyes glossed over. "Daddy I'm sorry I haven't been listening I just miss you so much. It feels like you've been gone forever. And at school my friend Emily says that when your daddy leaves and doesn't come back for a long time he's gone forever and its the mommy's fault. Emily's daddy left her and her mommy all alone because they were always fighting." "Listen to me Alexandra you treat your mother with respect and listen to her. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean you have to stop listening to her. You owe her the same respect you owe me. If I hear your being disrespectful again to her your going to be in big trouble and you won't be going to Disneyland." "But daddy-" "No Alex you know better. That is your mother treat her with respect. She does too much for you. Do you understand me?" Tears fell down her eyes. "Yes daddy." Ian's never spoken to her like that before. His eyes softened and so did his tone. "And I'm sorry to hear about your friend's parents but honey they're not us. I'm not leaving you and your mother. I love you both very much." She nodded wiping her tears. "So your not getting a divorce?" He shook his head. "Of course not don't be silly." "So what did mommy just tell you to do?" "Eat dinner and take a bath then go to bed." He nodded. "So what are you going to do?" "Eat my food and take my bath then go to sleep." He nodded. "That's my princess. Now I have to go. But make sure you listen and apologize to your mother she loves you very much and doesn't deserve that. I love you." "I love you too daddy." She waved in the camera then hung up the phone and handed it back to me. "I'm sorry mommy. From now on I'm going to listen and do what you say." I nodded. "Thank you." She reached her arms out and I bent down and gave her a hug. "I love you mommy." I smiled and patted her back. "I love you too Alex. Always will now go eat." She pulled away from the hug and went to sit down and eat. When she took a bite of the vegetables she smiled. "This is good." I smiled. "Told you so." I was happy to know that even if Ian and I weren't on the best of terms at the moment we could still do what we needed for our daughter. Our only daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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