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- taehyung's pov -
it was breaktime and yes, i was kind of late for chemistry class but good for me, our songsaengnim haven't arrived yet. hmph, does minsoo have the same break time as me?

i collected my food and searched for seats. i would usually sit with my buddies. but they got called in for some competition, i don't even care.

i was searching for seats when i saw someone familiar. of course, it's minsoo. oh, that girl who shouted at her in the field is seating beside her.

and... there's a guy. whatever. i gathered up my courage and headrd towards them. i place my plat infront of minsoo, making a shound that attracted her attention.

it made her eyes grew big to see me. but that kid focused on her pizza. pfft. you think that pizza is more attractive huh.

she looks extra kewt eating that pizza. stuffing her mouth with all sorts of food. making her look like a chubby squirrel. i honestly had to control myself from pinching her cheeks.

out of the blue, both her friend stood up. ouh, they going already? YESS!! omg. im so lucky today. i stayed cool.

" how are you shawty? " i wriggled my brows and smirk. just playing around you know. she seemed disgusted.

we had a short chat. i pretended i didn't know her name. just so that i won't look like a creep. oh, and she just left. *sigh*

after eating, i went to the small garden near the carpark. i'll just take in some fresh air. oh, the diva!

" seems like she haven't noticed yet " " and that's good news! " "you should sell it quick so there won't be any trace " " you're right. hmm... let me call my bae to pick us up "

hold up. they really selling that necklace? why would- OMG, such inconsiderate bijes. i assume that necklace must mean something to minsoo.

i tried to shrug it off. but what if minsoo came finding for her necklace only to find out it has been sold? i have to do something.

i walked up to diva and since i'm slightly taller, i glared down at them.

" have you perhaps saw necklace somewhere here? " pretending not to know anything.

" uhmm... i guess not " sujae answered with a fake smile. pfftt.

" the necklace have a small purple diamond attached  to it. have you perhaps seen it? "

" if i say no, it means no okay. can you just fuck off already " she raised her voice slightly while rolling her eyes. her friends looked nervous.

" why must you raised your voice? i'm asking nicely "

" k "

then, this 'tough' looking guy approached us. honestly, he just place those chain on his jeans to look tough. and those 'piercings'. bruh. they are paste-ons. don't even fool me.

" hey you, are you disturbing my girl " he walked up to me with his 'deep' voice.

" this girl of yours stole my girlfriends necklace " i pointed on sujae. ouh, she became scared and hid behind her bae. *rolls eyes*

" ahahah. do YOU have any evidence? " he scoffed and like in dramas, raised up his hands. those stupid people behind him cheered him on. seriously.

" then can you please let me search your BIJY girlfriend's bag? " i glared at him.long enough to make him panic.

" wh-why should i let you search for that n-necklace in my g-girlfriend's ba-bag? "

" OH! why are you stuttering? nervous that i might find it? " such a coward.

" find it if you can " he snatched sujae's handbag and shove it in my arms. sujae was there trembling. obviously the necklace is in her bag right. just that guy is stupid enough to not know.

i reached my hand in the handbag and pulled a shiny necklace. yup, the necklace I've been looking for.  that coward look at me, eyes widened.

" thanks " i keep the necklace in my pocket and walk off.

and yup. thanks, that coward punched my face. MY HANDSOME FACEU.

i turn to face him and punched him back. HOW DARE HE. he was about to punch me again when someone came up and blocked me. not completely though.

" that's enough " minsoo stood there, glaring at the coward. she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowd.

- minsoo's pov -

we sat on a bench in a the big garden surrounded by classroom buildings.

" why were you in a fight "

" because of you " he flashed his bright smile. what is he talking about.

he took out a necklace from his pocket. wait. isn't that mine? i faced the giant in disbelief.

" the diva took it to sell it " he place the necklace in my smol hand.

" OMG WHAT!! THEY WANTED TO SELL THIS NECKLACE?! " i half screamed. he nodded.

" those brats " i scoffed and kept the necklace in my pocket.

" anyways, thank you. giant " i shyly smiled. how rood of me to call him a giant.

he handed me a piece of small paper and left. WAIT!! sigh.. i didn't even get to know his name.

i went to read on what was written on the paper.

xxxx 5466 <3 call me ;) 

oh, so that's his phone number. oh okay.

well, i guess it's time for me to proceed to the lounge area.

< fast forward >

i arrived at the lounge area and saw jimin and areum sipping some drinks with snacks on the table. the moment i sat, areum started nagging.

" yah, where were you? "

" sorry i was late. something came up "

" we were worried about you okay. we thought that hot guy brought you somewhere "

" eww no. but don't you like it. some alone time. just both of you? " yup, i ship areum and jimin. they are so cute together.

" yah, what are you talking about? are you crazy? "

i turn to face jimin he shook his head while sipping on his drink. AHAHAH HE IS JUST FAKING IT.

soon, it was time for art class. yup, all three of us took art course.

" i'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung "

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