; t h r e e

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- minsoo's pov -

school ended and i'm here lazing around in my room. scrolling through my instagram. then, something came up in my mind. i should probably text giant.

minsoo; you're the giant right?

pervy giant; yup, i'm the giant who help you just now

minsoo; what are you doing?

pervy giant; nothing, just completing my assignments

minsoo; oops, sorry for disturbing you

pervy giant; it's okay. i'm fine if it's you;)

minsoo; cheesy

pervy giant; for you *wink*

minsoo; *rolls eyes*

minsoo; anyways, what's your name. I feel bad calling you giant

pervy giant; just call me giant. you sound cute.

yup. I saved his name as 'pervy giant'. is it wrong?

BUT I WANT TO KNOW HIS NAME. he look like a nice guy. a nice perv.

< fast forward >

" bye~~ " I waved to both areum and jimin. going in my brother's car, jung hoseok. YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO GIVE THIS GUY MORE LOVE. HE'S UNDERRATED.

it's been a good 10 minutes in the car but the route hoseok is driving isn't the same as the route back home.

" oppa, where are you taking me too? "

" my workplace "

hmm... his workplace. my brother works at this place where they teach music to students as an after school activity. not really a music school since it's located in a mall.

the best thing about visiting hoseok's work is that there is a piano display where you can play it. but too bad my fingers are too short. i cant really reach out for the keys. tough lifeu.

oh, we arrived.

" i'm going in just for awhile. i just need to review one of my student's workpiece. " he left me outside. alone.

just then, a familiar guy came in running with pieces of paper in his hand. why does he look so familiar? have i seen him anywhere?

haaha no. its been around a year since i came here. don't overreact.

" okay. i'm done. let's go "

" oppa! you took 50 minutes but you told me it's quick "

" oops. sorry. i figured out that the workpiece would look good with oppa's rap " he winkeu

" whatever. treat me a meal or i won't forgive you "

" whatever my dongsaeng says "

< fast forward >

i was walking down the corridor. dragging myself to maths class. where did areum and jimin even go.

just then, i heard some noise coming from... the music room. the door wasn't close completely.

i tiptoed my way near the door. not making any sound. i peeked in. OH! isn't that pervy giant? i pulled the door wider just so i could fit in. still not making any sound, i hear him sing.

" 서러운 맘을 못 이겨 "

i can't beat my sad heart

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