; f i v e

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- minsoo's pov -

it was break time. obviously I went with areum and jimin.

you guys must be wondering why jimin isn't talking much. well, he have his own reasons. you will find out soon. just be patient;)

after finishing my tray full of food, I texted giant to know his whereabouts. I should meet him now.

minsoo; where are you?

pervy giant; gym. why?

minsoo; didn't you say you wanted to meet me during break to tell me your name.

pervy giant; oh yea. I forget m schedule today. I guess after school?

minsoo; pft. sure.

that guy is really one hell of a nuisance. I ate my food fast because of him and now he said after school. pity his future wife. then, my phone vibrated in my hands.

jimin; where did you go?

minsoo; not far away from the cafeteria. why?

jimin; I need to ask you something. meet me at the lounge area.

minsoo; where did areum go?

jimin; there's this hot guy that came and wanted to talk to her.

minsoo; oh okay then. meet you at the lounge area.

I reached the lounge area and just in time. I saw jimin holding 2 bottles of soda and sitting down. I approached him. as I got closer, I realized he looked rather upset. I took a seat opposite him and started the conversation.

" are you okay? "

" do you know jungkook? " he gsve me one of the sodas.

" jungkook? " jungkook as in the giant's friend or what?

" yea. the hot and famous guy who is in mr kim's class " it is definitely the giant's friend.

" yea. I know him. WAIT WHAT. HE'S FAMOUS? " I was taken aback.

" yes. among the girls. he represented our school in a dancing competition with that new tall guy friend of yours " he rolled his eyes and sipped on his soda.


" ok so? what's wrong with that jungkook guy? "

" he... he seems to have feelings for areum. "

" so? isn't that a good news? areum having a boyfriend after an eternity? "

" doesn't that mean i'll be lonely? "

" WHAT! no. i'm here "

" you're always with that new friend of yours:( " he pouted. AWWW. THAT WAS KEWWT.

" I promise you won't be lonely " I raised up my pinky. he looked up and raised up his pinky.

< fast forward >

i was waiting for giant at the small garden. taking pictures of some beautiful flowers. i don't know why, i just want them.

" boo! " giant scared me from the back.

" YAH! " i slightly punched his arm. he giggled, showing his rectangular smile.

" now, tell me your name " i looked up at him, folding my arms. i swear my neck would break.

" i'm hungry. let's go and have pasta "

" b-but "

" shhhh " he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to somewhere i don't know.
WOAH! we arrived at this fancy looking restaurant. it looks quite expensive tho. we took a sit and the waitress passed me the menu. HEOL! a serving of pasta cost $30. i looked at giant in disbelief.

" it's $30 for a serving of pasta. are you kidding me? "

" shhh. just choose what you want "

he called the waitress. the sexy looking waitress came, standing rather close to giant. tsk.

" mi-uhmm.. shawty, what you want? "

" anything you have "

" 2 baked bolognese and 2 coke please "

the waitress shot her flirty smile at giant and walked away, shaking her non-existence ass. pfft.

" ok, giant. your name NOW " i said bluntly.

" chill. give me your phone "

" w-wae? "

" my name "

" o-ouh yea " i handed him my phone and faced down. shiet. he's going to find out.

" pervy giant? are you kidding me? "

" it's your fault. you didn't tell me your name "

" i guess i am a perv huh " he wriggled his eyesbrow. eyes moving down.

" YAH! eyes up here " using my index and middle finger, i pushed his chin up. he showed his rectangular smile.

that smile. that smile that made me fell for him. that kew- JUNG MINSOO! YOU'RE CRAZY.

" i will set my name as pervy oppa "

" WAE? " he looked at my surprised.

" i need your NAME. ireum. understand? ireum. i want your NAME "

" alright alright " he gave me back my phone "

" hmm... kim taehyung. nice name "

" i know right " he winked. tsk.

" but do you know my name? "

- taehyung's pov -

oh shit. i know hers. but she doesn't know mine. and she doesn't know i know hers. whatever.

" no " i smiled shyly. rubbing the back of my neck. obviously all of this are just an act.

" give me your phone " i gave her mine.

" seriously. shawty? you really like to make fun of me " she rolled her eyes.

" jung minsoo. my name is jung minsoo " she showed her ever so cute smile. argh. my hearteu.

" these are your baked bolognese " that flirty waitress came back. eww. she tryna flirt with me eh.

fortunately someone called her. or she would already be sitting on my lap. eww. just. don't make me think about it. minsoo already started eating though. haizz. that girl, 24/7 hungry.

" mmm. i heard that you and jungkook represented our chool in a dancing competition. is that true? "

" mmm... yeah "

" woah. daebak. kim taehyung jjang " she raised her thumbs up. ahahah. kewt.

" who told you? "

" jimin. the guy who glared at you yesterday "

" ouh... that creepy guy "

< fast forward >

we finished our dinner and i walked minsoo home. it was rather awkward. the awkward space between us and those awkward silence. only if i could place my hand on her shoulders and give her kisses.

" remember that day when i heard you sing in the music room? " minsoo broke the silence. it's always her.

" mmm... why? "

" the lyrics are so deep. did you write them youself? "

" yea " our pace became slower.

" what inspired you? "

i stopped. all the scenarios started playing in my mind. should i tell her?

" i was left alone "

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