; s i x t e e n

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- minsoo's pov -

i woke up to see myself in my room. why am i here? did someone carry me? i turned to my right and there i saw areum sleeping peacefully. she can't be the one who carried me here right.

i was too curious so i just had to disturb areum's sleeping time. sorry areum.

" yahh... areum... wake up " i shook her lightly.

" what... " areum

" who carried me here? " i asked

" taehyung "

" what?! taehyung?! "

i got up from the bed and rushed to the toilet with my towel and new pair of shirt.

once i was done, i rushed outside to make breakfast. i must have troubled him. i should make him breakfast too.

wait, it might look weird if i only do for him. hoseok oppa might kill that innocent giant. im making for all of them then.

< fast forward >

i finished making seaweed soup for all of us. i scooped a decent amount of rice and place it in bowls. i tried to lift the pot full of seaweed soup, but it was too hot.

just in time, taehyung came in. ahhh. i'm flushed. h e  c a r r i e d  m e.

" you need help? " he asked. stepling closer to me.

" uh... uh no " i panicked and carelessly tried lifting up the pot again. but sincr it's still hot, i hurt my fingers.

" ouchhh " i yelped in pain.

" minsoo. you should have been more careful " he grabbed a wet cloth and place it over my injured fingers.

haizz. is he doing this just because i'm his "friend" ? he won't give me false hope right ?

" now, just rest on the dining table " he placed his hand on my shoulder and pushed me slowly to the dining table.

he pull one of the chairs and i sat. he set the tables nicely. it was all well-organised. bless his wife.

he sat down beside me, patiently waiting for the rest.

" uu, bless your wife huh " i teased.

" yea, bless you "

" pfft "

" you are min- "

" OOO HEYYY THE COUPLE COOKED FOR US " those idiots, you know who,  made a ruckus.

"we are no- " i got cut off by taehyung.

" yeayea. eat up guys "

they all got into their seats. as expected, they ate like hungry hyenas. tsktsk.

after the breakfast, i was the one who had to wash all the dishes. zzz

i carried all the pot and bowls carefully with my injured finger. it's not that serious, but it still had the burning sensation.

i wore the washing gloves to protect my fingers. but someone stopped me.

" here, i'll do it instead " taehyung came from behind. he took the gloves from my hand.

" go rest in the living room " he held my chin and kissed my forehead. *fireworks*

i walked out, acting all calm but nope i'm not. i ran to my room and shrieked.


the door knob turned and areum walked in.

" yah, why are you in a mess " she questioned my messy state.

i just stared at her blankly. my heart still palpitating while i keep replaying T H E  C U T E  S C E N E

" it's okay. i'm going out with jimin for awhile. byee " she grabbed her handbag and shut the door.

i was still blank. once she was out, i buried my face in my pillow and continued shrieking.

finally guys. some jireum moments

- areum's pov -

" where are we goinggg " i kept whining in jimin's car.

" secret " he placed his index finger on his lips. he started the engine and OFF WE GOO.

finally, we arrived at myeongdong. my heaven.

" let's go shopping " jimin got up from his car seat and fixed his shirt.

wait, is he serious? i got out from the car and took my handbag.

spontaneously, he held my hand and intertwined our fingers. i look up at him. he only gave me his sweet smile.

areum, chill. he's just a friend. maybe he feels uncomfortable in a chalet full of guys.

i can't. my heart began racing faster than the F1 cars everytime he strengthen his grip on my hand.

we went to various shops to shop. it was fun. shopping with a guy is fun after all. however, he kept paying for me. why?

suddenly, my phone rang.

" yobeoseyo? "

" it's me jungkook "

" oh hi jungkook "

i felt jimins strong glare on me

" we want food "

" what kind? "

" anything "

" suree. we'll be back soon "

i ended the call and yes i was right. jimin was glaring at me.

" whyy? " i asked him innocently.

" what does that bastard want? "

" yaaa. he's not a bastard " i got pissed off. what's with jimin nowadays?

" yea sure whatever " he rolled his eyes.

" i'm going to buy food for them. follow if you want " i walked off. seriously this guy, something is wrong. i kept finding reasons of why jimin changed. but uli shrugged it off in the end.

i arrived at a hawker centre and bought all of them food. those hungry apes. zzz

i had trouble carrying all 9 packed dishes. yes, i bought for jimin and myself too since it's for lunch.

i went to the taxi stand and to my horror, there was such a long queue. ok whatever, let's just wait since i apparently can't take the bus or train in this state.

my arm was numb because of the weight from the dishes. fortunately, someone tapped my back. i turned and saw jimin.

without saying a word, he took all the dishes from my arm and coldly said " come "

i was confused but at the same time delighted that he came. i followed behind him and reached his car. he carefully hook the plastic bags on a hooker that he placed behind the front car seats. i went in and sat.

" i like areum "

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