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- taehyung's pov -

i offered to sit on a bench. taking a deep breath. calming myself down. i think, minsoo should know this. i don't know. it's not even long since we met.

" so, what inspired you? a drama? a movie? GD? "

" uhmm... no "

" something actually happened that made me wrote this song. "

" then, it's fine. u don't have to tell me " she stood up and was about to walk away. but i stopped her from doing so.

" but i want to tell you. i just have this need to tell you my past "

" ouh. okay then " she went to sit on the bench again.

" 5 years ago, i got attached with this pretty girl named park sooyeon. i was happy back then. super happy because of her. it felt as if i didn't need anything else in this world. i just needed her. but then something happened. sooyeon was actually taking advantage of me. she knew i was loved by my grandmother and i very much loved her too. she took care of me since young. she was my everything. but sooyeon got jealous and misunderstood when i brought her to my grandmother's house. my grandmother didn't really treated her well. but i knew she was just kidding. no hatred. just, sooyeon couldn't control her tantrum. she ended up murdering my grandmother. and the very next day, she held a gun and committed suicide. and i saw it, with my very own eyes. i lost both my loved ones in a matter of 2 days " i started crying and the tears were just unstoppable.

" how about your parents? "

" they are hardly at home. they are always overseas, busy with their work "

" it's okay. i feel you " she lowered her head.

" what do you mean "

" my parents are also not at home most of the time. luckily i have my brother " she had her weak smile. she still looks pretty.

" let's get home already. your brother must be worried about you " i stood up, waiting for her.

soon later, we reached her place. it's cozy and bright. haizz... at least she have someone to talk to at home. unlike me. all alone.

" m-minsooah. keep my past as a secret "

" alright " just like that, she went in. i will get a kiss from her soon.

< fast forward >

i was in the same seat like yesterday. seat in the bus. staring out of the window. thinking about what just happened today. having a pasta date with minsoo. telling her about my past. it felt as if it was just a second. i took out my phone.

jung minsoo

i'm changing it.

kim shawty

a smiled unexpectedly appeared on my face. no more jung. just kim.

- minsoo's pov -

the moment i stepped in the house, i saw hoseok sitting on the sofa with folded arms.

" o-oppa " i got rather scared.

" where did you go? " he was very scary. stern voice.

" i-i went out with a friend "

" not areum or jimin. but a different guy. WHO IS IT? " he jumped up from the sofa. i thought he was going to change into a dragon. HELPEU ME.

" m-my new friend "


" t-taehyung "

" he didn't do anything to you right "

" nothing. i'm perfect "

" k. good. go to your room. AND SLEEP. IT'S ALREADY LATE "

hoseok went back to sit on the sofa and watched the tv. i sloely went to my room. trying not to trouble or disturb my brother. he could transform into a dragon anytime. what people would call him 'j-dragon'. because he have we have no hope left to live.

after changing into my ever-so-comfortable pyjamas, of course just a t-shirt from 5 years ago and panties; pantless is the besttt, i played my phone. but. oh gosh. i felt hungry.

i was about to step out but hoseok came in with a box.

" you hungry right? " i nodded

" here's chicken for you " he handed me the box FULL OF CHICKEN.

" oppa, JJANG " i raised my thumbs up. leaving him giggling.

" eat as much as you want. don't starve okay " i nodded smelling THE SMELL OF HEAVEN

" my short dongsaeng is still the same " he teased and giggled.

" YAH!!! " he ran away fast enough. lucky ass.

whatever. chicken is here. heaven is in my arms. I SHALL FILL MY STOMACH WITH HEAVEN. as soon as i was about to take a bite of the holy golden brown shining bright like a diamond chicken, my phone vibrated.
giant tae; are you asleep?

why did he save his name as giant tae? i told him to save HIS NAME. ugh. this kid.

minsoo; nope


minsoo; then should i eat in my sleep?

giant tae; oh wait you're eating?

minsoo; yeah. is it wrong?

giant tae; aren't you scared of gaining weight?

minsoo; tsk. i ain't gaining weight. this chicken is delicious. and if it's delicious, it's 0 calories

AHHAHA. i wanna thank jin for saying this because IT IS THE MOST ACCURATE FACT EVAAAA!!!

giant tae; you're really different

minsoo; *flips hair*

giant tae; wtv. enjoy your chicken

after finishing my box of chicken//burp//, i cleaned my room and went to sleep.

< fast forward >

i strangely woke up early today. don't ask me why. i am not a morning person though. i skipped my was to the dining table and saw breakfast. YUMMM.

" sooyah, i'll be picking you up after school today " hoseok announced making me choke on my bread.

" but i want to hang out with jimin and areum " i pouted. using the AEGYO CARD.

" nope. you going to end up hanging out with that taehyung guy "

" pft " i scofded and rolled my eyes. stuffing my mouth with all the food. ending up like a CHUBBY squirrel.

i fastened my seatbelt and so did hoseok. he started driving. but started nagging after.

" better be at the carpark " " don't be late " " if you're not there, you really getting it from it " " ani, ani. i'm NOT BUYING YOU ANYMORE FOOD "


" taesoo "

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