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- minsoo's pov -

they ended whatever they had to do. that was long. i had to suffer:( i'm not good at controlling my hunger. that's just me, jung minsoo;)

" PALLI!! I WANT CHICKEN!! " i screamed as soon they got ready to go.
" okok. let's go to your favourite shop " hoseok oppa giggled and messed my hair. walking out of the room.

" you really like eating huh " taehyung smirked, looking down at me. pfft. what a pest. i stomped out of the room. catching up with hoseok oppa.

< fast forward >

we arrived at MY favourite chicken shop. yasssss. this is MY heaven. i ran in, leaving the 2 oppas at the back. slowpokes.

i found a table for 4 and immediately sat down. looking up at the menu. tsk. i don't need the menu. i already know what i want.

hoseok oppa and taehyung came in strolling. HOW CAN THEY NOT BE EXCITED TO VISIT THIS HEAVEN?!

" oppa, you know what i want " i told hoseok with a WIDE smile and went to scroll my phone. he takes hours to decide on his food. tsktsk.

after a longggg time, hoseok oppa raised his hand to make the order. damn. cute waiter. i can't stop staring at him. i don't even know why.

" JUNG MINSOO " taehyung yelled sternly all of a sudden. what is wrong with him. all eyes were on him. he sat frozen.

" n-nothing " he stuttered shyly, realizing what he has done. the whole time, he lowered his head.

after hoseok oppa was done making the order, he went to the toilet. nice. taehyung and i alone. pft.

" soo-ah. don't look at other guys. just me " taehyung said sternly. wth.

" who are you too- " i got cut off by taehyung. stupid bij.

" just listen to me "

" hoseok oppa? "

" that's an exception "

hoseok oppa came back. nice timing!!! the chicken arrived. CHICKEN PARTY TONIGHT!!!

< fast forward >

it was the day of the dance performance announcement. today, we will find out what is our position. and also the song and choreo.

please let me just be the background dancers. i'm not that good. and i don't want to memories so muchhh.

after dance class, ms lee called us up. oh wait, jimin and areum too? and taehyung's friend too? and who that girl?

" great. everyone is here. let me announce the positions first " ms lee started off. she took out a piece of paper and showed it to us.

main dancers; kim taehyung
                            jung minsoo

back dancers; park jimin
                           min areum
                           jeon jungkook
                           lee sujae

" MAIN DANCER?! " i squealed in shock.

" BACK DANCER?! " an unknown girl who i assume is lee sujae screamed.

" but-but why am i not the main? " sujae asked ms lee. ok good. i can exchange with someone.

" why not we exchange positions? " i asked sujae. glad that i'm not the only one who is upset with the positioning.
" NO! minsoo have to be the main " taehyung suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. preventing me from nearing sujae. WHAT? i looked at him confused.

" but baby i- " sujae got cut off by taehyung.

" DON'T CALL ME BABY YOU SLUT " taehyung yelled at sujae. whatt is happening. i'm confused.

" okok classs!!! let's watch the choreo now " ms lee clapped her hands to get the class's attention.

(watched the video at the top^^ start watching from 2:45 and also just imagine the blue shirt girl to be jungkook and the grey shirt girl to be jimin)

" is it okay? " ms lee asked for our opinion. it's... too sexy though. I'M NOT MOVING MY ASS INFRONT OF TAEHYUNG. THAT IS JUST NO.

" if no then i will send this video to all of you. practise with your partner before the last week of february " ms lee announced, packing her stuffs to leave the class.

" but! how do we know out partners? " areum asked ms lee who stood frozen.

" ouh yes. jimin will partner areum. sujae partner jungkook. thank you " ms lee left just like that. wOw.

" when do you want to start practising? " taehyung asked me. hmm... i shrugged.

" tomorrow at 10 "

" but tomorrow is a WEEKEND " i whined.

" i don't care "

he left just like that with jungkook. what a jerk. pfft.

the day ended well. was in a very good mood because of my NAM JOOHYUK and also CHICKEN. but wait. where do i meet him?

minsoo; where to meet?

giant tae; just wait at home

minsoo; aren't we practising tomorrow?


minsoo; but i don't want to trouble you

minsoo; later you will be tired waiting for the bus. i feel bad.


minsoo; YOU HAVE CAR?!

giant tae; nites shawty💗💫😽

cheesy. cheesier than a cheese sausage. but of course prefer cheese sausage. i don't think he even have a sausage. HAHAHA

" work your body baby "

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