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- taehyung's pov -

time flies fast today. which is quite dissapointing. :(

it was break time, jungkook and i went to the cafeteria, waiting for namjoon hyung and seokjin hyung. or what we like to call them namjin. seriously though, they look like a couple;)

after much waiting, we are all here. ok. great. time for jungkook to brag about his new FIRST LOVE. waht is love *cringe*

" HYUNG!!! I HAVE GOOD NEWS " jungkook banged the table. making all eyes avert to our direction. srsly bro.

" mm... what? " seokjin hyung told him to quietened down, stuffing food in his mouth. i winder what else can fit in there ⊙_⊙

" i fell in love with someone " finally, he whispered. no more attention seeking.

" ouh! jinjja? that's good " namjoon hyung not really caring about jungkook. from my view, i saw seokjin hyung nudge namjoon hyung and whispered something like 'yah, that's not sincere'. I TOLD YOU!! THEY ARE A COUPLE!!!

" who is that lucky girl? " seokjin hyung asked jungkook. lucky. AHAHA. what a joke.

" she is there " jungkook pointed to a girl. someone familiar. she was sitting with a guy and another much more familiar girl.

" why not we go talk to them later? " seokjin hyung suggested.

" okayyyyy " jungkook began eating fast. is he THAT in love?

as promised, after eating we returned our food trays and proceed towards jungkook's 'lover'. yikes. we reached and jungkook called out her name. OMG. HER FRIEND IS MINSOO. minsoo looked at me ,eyes widened.

jungkook was SO into his conversation with his 'lover'. a cute looking mochi guy started talking.

" you guys look like a family " his eyes stayed on both namjoon hyung and seokjin hyung.


" ahaha no " seokjin hyung blushed, hiding behind namjoon hyung. i sense something...

" ok bye. we need to head somewhere else " namjoon announced. THANK GOD!! I GOT SICK SEEING JUNGKOOK'S CHEESY TALKS.

we headed to the gym. unusual. in the changing room, we had our little conversation.

" tae, that other girl at the same table with a-areum(?) is the girl that came in the music room right " seokjin hyung asked. i stopped i was doing and stood frozen.

" y-yeah " i stuttered. obviously nervous at what stupid questions they are going to ask again.

" GO DATE HER ALREADY HYUNG " jungkook suddenly shouted. making me turn to face them, astonished. what are they talking about.

" we saw how both of you look at each other just now. FULL OF LOVE " namjoon hyung spoke up. moving his hand in a huge circle to show how 'full' our love was. pfft.

" don't overreact " i scoffed and shrug it off. we went in the gym and work out. this body needs some muscles💪

- minsoo's pov -

after taehyung's group of friends walk away, there was alot of chit chat. i got attacked with questions.

" isn't that tall guy at the end your boyfriend? " areum wiggled her eyebrows and grinned. OMG THIS KID.

" no. just a friend " i shot a glare and continued to eat.

" and that guy. the one that keeps talking cheesy to you. who is he " jimin spoke in a stern tone. what's up with him. honestly, i miss his cheeky smile. HE LOOKS LIKE A KEWT MOCHI.

" he's just a friend... you jealous? " areum questioned jimin. he kind of got startled.

" wh-who said i'm jealous " he rolled his eyes and continued eating.

< fast forward >

it was already after school and i'm at the carpark. as promised by hoseok oppa. i've been standing under the hot sun for quite awhile now and i'm really bored. i look around to find taehyung. but where is he? where he go?

10 minutes later, hoseok oppa's car came zooming in. pfft. what a slowpoke.

" OPPA!! YOU IS 10 MINUTES LATE " i started complaining the moment i buckled my seatbelts.

" mianhae. oppa had some work to do " he smiled sheepishly. i hope he knows that he left his cute dongsaeng under the sun. i rolled my eyes and frown. keeping silent the entire journey.

we soon reached hoseok workplace again. is this oppa serious? like, i'm so not intrested in this place.

" why are we here againnn " i whined. dragging my feet in the mall. pouting.

" there's no food at home. i'm not letting my cute dongsaeng starve " he messed up my hair.

awww. what a thoughtful oppa!! this is the exact reason why he's my oppa *wink*

" chicken? " i asked, eyed sparkling.

" ok... but i have to meet my student first "

" i'll just wait outside then " i said in a low and sad tone. is his student so precious to him?

" nono. come in with me " he grabbed my wrist and went in, ending up in a room.

" won't i disturb both of you? " i hesitantly sat on a high chair. looking around the studio that was filled with things i don't even know.

" nope. just sit down quietly " hoseok oppa was busy doing things. you know what, i'm just going to mind my own business.

the door creak open. and a guy walks in. familiar guy. i couldn't really see his face since he's wearing a ball cap, covering his face. oh well.

" ah! taehyung! come. sit here " hoseok oppa called the guy who just walked in. wait what? taehyung?

he stopped in his tracks, eyes on me. he took out his ball cap and HIS FACE WAS REVEALED!!! it was taehyung.

" shawty? " he asked in disbelieve. well, me too. too shocked to react.

" you guys know each other? " hoseok oppa approached us. laughing in disbelief. he's shocked too. but wait.

" so the taehyung you went out with was him? " hoseok oppa pointed to taehyung, who was obviously still looking at me. i turned to face hoseok oppa and nodded.

" since you know him, let's have dinner together after this " hoseok oppa suggested. oh hell no. i'm not eating with this giant AGAIN.

" that's a good idea hyung! " taehyung agrees and went to do some stuffs with hoseok hyung. heol. i'm speechless.

" main dancer? "

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