; t w e n t y

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- minsoo's pov -

dance class is starting soon. i was waiting in class with taehyung. well, we skipped yesterday's dance class so it's just both of us today.

the door creaked open and unexpected figure walked in. lee sujae. 

" oppa, did you skip the yesterday's class too? " she started her 'aegyo' and wrapped both her arms around taehyungs waist.

pfft. your oPpA is too cringy. and get oFf your filthy hand bij.

ms lee dropped me a text for me to meet her outside class.

i left the disgusting couple alone and met ms lee.

" there you are minsoo. here, take this and give out to the rest. this is the set of choreos you have and must learn "

" yEs MaAm " i saluted. ms lee giggled and walked off.

hmm. i walked back to class with the set of papers in my hand. i thought about the words taehyung said yesterday. he cant pratically be the only one to make efforts right? how about i help him. hOw? stay tuned!!!

i entered the practice room and passed taehyung one set. i threw a set to sujae who was taking mirror selfies on the floor. 


" stop barking aRGH "

" WHEN WERE YOU SO RUDE HUH?! " she stood up and marched towards me.

" since you became a dog from the dump " i smirked.

" you s- "

" eh shut up and please learn yur choreo "

i walked to taehyung and we started dancing.

" wh-why are you dancing with my boyfriend? "

" read the choreo bij "

out of the blue, she tore her set and walked out of the practice room.


" did you do that? "

" who else? " i winked and flipped my hair.

on sujae's paper was unglams of her specially editted, printed and pasted by me. oh you think i did'nt have her unglams all this while? i've been keeping it a secret in case i need it. and this was the right time.

apparently, being in the same elementary school as her was beneficial after all.

- taehyung's pov -

i reached home from a long day dancing. i checked my non-stop ringing phone and there were up to 1939 text messages from sujae. WOAH THIS GIRL IS A PSYCHO. 

i cant show you everything or this story will be never ending so i'll give you some.

dirty dog ; where are you?

dirty dog ; are you not worried about me?

dirty dog ; are you still in there?

dirty dog ; babbyyyyyyyy

dirty dog ; pls reply me

drink tae ; i saw everything on your set and tsktsk didn't know you were ugly.

drink tae ; bye sujae

drink tae blocked dirty dog

thank god my minsoo is smart

namjoon came in my room and asked about minsoo.

" don't worry hyung. sujae is back in hell "

" that's my boy " namjoon hyung tapped my head.

" did he do it? " seokjin hyung asked.

" of course i did it " 

" GREAT!! i'll cook seaweed soup to celebrate. invite the rest too for our surprise "

< fast forward >

everyone gathered in my dorm. i hope you know who is everyone. no?! i'll repeat: kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, bts AHAH jokes, jung minsoo, min areum. 

i know we are extra but we HAVE to celebrate the ending of taehyung's torture with sujae.

after we had dinner, some cleaned the dishes and other went to play games or watch the tv. while taehyung and i went to get some fresh air.

" how was it being in love with me? "

" why so sudden? "

" i don't know. i just feel like asking under these stars "

" heartbreaking, painful and majestic " i ate my ice cream while i thought for a while.

" majestic huh, did you see unicorns and rainbows? "

" i said two more adjectives "

" i can only hear majestic "

" because you're a magnificent magician. no matter how hard i tell myself that you're not the one, my heart starts acting up when you're in front of me "

" aigoooo. my baby is becoming all sweet "

" staph of i'll shove this ice cream up your nostrils "

" aishhh don't be so mean "

" let's go in now, your hyungs will be worried and it's getting colder "

he grabbed my wrist when i'm abou to walk off.

" i need to tell you something " 

he stood up and cupped my small face.

" how about we get married after we complete our studies? "

my jaw dropped and eyes glistened when he took out a ring. my type of ring - simple but beautiful.

" i chose this ring because it feels just like you. simple but beautiful "

i teared up " but have you asked hoseok oppa? "

" he's the one who suggested this "

i gave him a hug and he fit the ring around my ring finger.

we were invited in the dorm with screams and sparkles and party poppers.

" you guys knew? " i was surprised.

" we planned this "

" congrats mr and mrs kim "

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