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*D.O.'s POV*

I grabbed a box that i was keeping an eye on recently because I think that Jaehee will like it.
It was a surprise, obviously. I didn't want her to see it just yet.
I want to give this to her when we're at the park.
"Ah! I'll pay." I interrupted as i grabbed my credit card out of my empty wallet.
"No, please. I'll pay." Jaehee said as she lightly pushed my hands away.
I backed away softly, because i realized i paid last for our meal just recently, so I guess it would be fair for someone to pay for me.

Her lips looked so soft and ki--ah...don't get distracted.

*Your POV*

"Dyo?" You questionably said as you poked the man who appeared to be staring deeply at you.
"A-Ah...mianhae..." Dyo said as he scratched his neck from embarrassment
You chuckled and grabbed the bag sitting on a counter which contained two love plushies that you saw.
"We should hang out away from this huge crowd..." You whispered to Dyo as you stepped out of the warm store and into the cold snow.
"Ne. Let's go to the park." Dyo said as he put his arm around your shoulder.

*time skip*

"Ah...It's so pretty." You said as you looked around the empty but beautiful park.
"I'm glad you like it." Dyo said as gave you a small smile and tugged your jacket lightly.
"They've never hung the lights up like this before." You said as you looked up at the some-what bright lights.
"Yeah. I've never seen them decorate the park." Dyo added in as he stared out into the sunset.
"Remember that one time where we got lost at the park when we were like 13?" You said as good memories of you when you were little came back.
"Yeah, we stayed there for a hour or something." Dyo said as he gazed deeply into your eyes.
"Then we saw Baekhyun with his crush." You breathed in the cold air for another breath "Didn't he kiss her or something?" You turned yourself to face the love of your life.

"I think so. She could have been his first kiss." he took another breath "We teased him so much about it." He laughed as you saw a puff of air come out.

"Ah? It's that cold outside?" You suddenly said as you didn't realize how cold it was.
"You didn't realize?" Dyo tilted his head slightly in confusion.
"I-I guess i didn't..." You laughed yourself out of embarrassment.

"Ah! I got something for you." You said happily as you opened the bag which contained a gift for Baekhyun and Chanyeol, but also a soft, plaid scarf.
"I got you this scarf. I thought it would be great because of how cold it is outside." You said as you pulled the scarf out of the plastic bag.
"Here. I'll put it around you." You smiled as the redness of your face grew more noticeable.
"Ah, thank you." Dyo replied as he lightly touched your hands

"I-I also have something for you." He shyly stuttered as he reached into the pocket of his coat.
"I thought this would look nice on you." He said as he opened the box which revealed a shiny silver bracelet.
"It's so pretty!" Your eyes became mesmerized to the shiny bracelet.
"It's not as pretty as you though. I couldn't find anything that's better than you." Dyo smoothly said as he took the bracelet with the words, "I love you" engraved into the front of it.
Dyo opened the bracelet up and said, "Give me your hand." As he looked up into your warm face.
You placed your wrist into the bracelet and Dyo clipped it afterwards.
"I-uh..Thank you." You stuttered as you grabbed Dyo's hands "I love you." You gazed into Dyo's dark brown eyes
"I love you too." He replied as his right thumb met with your cheek, and you were soon met with a kiss that was like how the snow fell down gently onto the ground.

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