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"Shit!!" You yelled as you sprinted towards the front door where you heard Sehun coughing loudly.
"C-Call the police...." Sehun said in between coughs as he gripped his stomach tightly.

"How?! Where did she go?!" You screamed as you ripped off a piece of a nearby shirt and wrapped it tightly around the bloody wound.
"She's....not as slow...as....you think..." Sehun managed to get out as he winced in pain from you trying to stop the blood.

"The wound is deep, guys. When did they say that the ambulance was arriving?!" You tried to calmly say as you tried to minimize the pain on Sehun's stomach.
"They said they'll be here right away. I'll go down and tell them where we are right now." Chanyeol said as he looked away from the blood and wiped his eyes.

*time skip*

Silence filled the air as you sat in the cold atmosphere along with 8 other men.

Suho was pacing around with his arms gripped tightly in a fist.

Chanyeol's eyes were still red and puffy from the sight of blood.

Baekhyun was motionless with no expression.

Xiumin had his hat far down on his face so you couldn't see his expression except for a few droplets falling onto his sweater.

Kai was also motionless, and looked like he was trying his best to distract himself.

Lay was watching Suho pace over and over with a blank expression on his face.

Chen was barely even holding himself together. His hands were wrapped tightly over Xiumins arms and his scarf had a small puddle.

D.O. held your hand tightly as he could while tried to contain himself while you comforted him.
You knew it was hard for the others because Sehun was like a little brother to them.
Little did they know that you were hurting more than them. It was the sad reality but you didn't want to show it too much. Sehun talked to you whenever he needed to and he brought his heart out to you.

Life was hard for Sehun back then. There were so many overwhelming things so you snuck out to go sit at the park with Sehun to comfort him. You two sat there for hours and hours until the sun started to set.
Your parents allowed Sehun to stay over at your house whenever he needed to.

You blinked back into reality and realized that your hands were beginning to shake again.
'Nonononono!' You thought as you shuffled through your bag, looking for your medicine to calm you.

It became harder to breathe, everything was turning blurry, and your hands were shaking violently until D.O. stuck the pill in your mouth (gently jfc) and gave you water to swallow it.
"Everything will be okay...." D.O. said as he turned to face you and hand onto both of your hands.

"Breathe slowly, okay? Don't cry...Sehun is going to be alright..." D.O. said as he placed his forehead on yours as you felt your heart beating faster and faster.

You were crying so much to the point where you couldn't even talk or make a single noise out of your mouth as you gripped Kyungsoo's arm tightly.

You got out your phone with your shaky hands and typed into the phone, "We can't let her be like this. She already hurt Baekhyun and I a lot" due to you not being able to talk.

"We need to stay cautious at all times..." Suho mumbled as he patted his eyes dry.

Alright y'all.
I'm sorry i haven't posted in a long time but honestly i'm getting back on wattpad and i'm going to continue to write for you guys.
I haven't touched wattpad in quite a while so i had 40+ notifications which made me die inside.
I'm glad y'all are patient!
And yes, i'm okay now Lol.
I have no idea what i'm doing with this story

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