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"Annyeong! Wa--You two don't look so good..." Chanyeol said as he scratched his neck
"Ah, sorry. We had a pillow fight just now." You lied as you tried to hide your embarrassment.
"Ah, i see. Can you go help Baekhyun who keeps whining about you....?" Chanyeol said as his face turned bright red but he soon hid his face from laughter.
"Agh..." You sighed with a small smile "Typical Baekhyun...." You laughed as you sneaked your hand into Dyo's.

*verrryy small time leap because i'm too lazy to write....oops*

"I miss Jaehee!!!!" You heard Baekhyun whine loudly.
"See?" Chanyeol says with a big smile but also a hint of 'what is going on' in there.
Dyo covered his mouth due to the laughter he was trying to hold on, and he somehow managed to stop laughing fairly quickly, but then he soon had another smile on his face after 2 seconds.
"Ah? Baekhyun?" You said as you walked slowly into the messy hotel room.
You were then met with a big hug which caused you to lose air and let go of Dyo hand.
"L-Let me b....breathe!!" You got out as you did nothing to loosen the hug.
Baekhyun looked at you with a big smile, but you looked into his broken eyes, making you soon realize what was going on.
"Ah....Can we talk in private right now?" You politely asked Dyo and Chanyeol with a expression of 'this is important.' on your face.
"Ah, we'll leave immediately." Dyo said as he tugged onto Chanyeols arm and closed the door gently.

As soon as the door shut, you were soon met with Baekhyuns loud sniffling and shaking.
"No no no...!" You managed to get out as you held tightly onto Baekhyuns hands.
"You're safe now! No one will hurt you because i'll protect you!" You said as your eyes watered.
Baekhyun seemed to be spaced out, which made you start to shake him gently.

"N-No! Don't hurt me!!" Baekhyun yelled as he stared off into the distance while falling down on the ground from fear.
"Baekhyun!! Please!" You yelled as you tried to get him back into reality.
"Listen to me! You're safe! I promise!" You yelled as your face was practically a waterfall now.
"Baekhyun!" You attempted once again to get him back into reality.
You then gave up and hugged Baekhyun tightly, making him jump slightly but slowly wrap his arms around you.
"Please....." You said in a much softer tone as one of your hands cupped his face "You're safe with me...."
"J-Jae..." Baekhyun managed to get out.
He was so terrified that he was barely able to talk.

Like back then.
Life was a lot more different back then.
You weren't the only one who had a bad past back then...
You remembered putting on makeup on top of yours and Baekhyuns bruises to hide the fact that your aunt was abusing you two.

But you always tried to push that thought away, and it always comes back to haunt you and Baekhyun.
No one ever knew why she was always so rude and abusive towards you and Baekhyun.

"Please...." You said once again in a whisper tone as you tried to calm Baekhyun down.
His hands were still shaking, but not as much as before. Which was good, because that meant you were helping him forget.
"You're okay now....." You said as you rested your forehead on Baekhyuns ear softly.
You noticed that Baekhyuns hands were attempting to point at something, making you look in that direction of where he was pointing.
'What is he pointing at?' You thought as you looked back at Baekhyun.

"P-Ph.....one....." He managed to get out as he wiped his tears away, which were decreasing because of your comfort.
You got up quickly to go get his phone, which was on the messy bed with its screen still on.
You walked back to Baekhyun and pulled out a small handkerchief out of your inside pocket and patted Baekhyuns face dry.
You gave him a small smile to let him know that everything will be okay.
"L-Lo....ok....." Baekhyun mumbled once again.
You stared down onto his phone and recognized that one number at the top of the screen.
A certain number that you never wanted to see again.

It was your aunts number, which made you panic before you could even read the messages.
"Ple....ase.....stay.....c....alm...." You heard as you lowered your vision to see the messages she left.

"I'll be visiting you guys soon. Thanks to EXO for letting me secretly abuse you two again :)"

Those words burned into your heart as if you were stabbed with a long piece of glass, which then broke inside of you.

Only you and Baekhyun knew the truth about your aunt.
You two didn't want to discuss it with the others, and you both seriously regret it.

"W-We can't...." You said before covering your mouth due to all the shock.
"D-Don't cry...." Baekhyun said out clearly as he shakily threw his phone back on the bed.

"What....What do we do now?" You asked as you tried your best to stay calm.

What do you guys think about my story so far?

i know it's smutty ok it's something to expect for someone who writes smut a lot. I can't help but at least add some fluff or smut in my story/stories.

published on 12-27-16 at 1:43am

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