Party time

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We got to the party at around nine. When we got there, people were already drunk and high, girls were grinding like sluts on guys you know all the regular party stuff. "Lets go get some drinks!" Becky yelled over the loud music. We walked over to a table full of drinks but the beer pong table caught my attention. Oh this was going to be fun. I don't want to brag, but I'm the beer pong queen. I walked over confidently to the table. A guy wearing glasses was waiting cockily at the other end of the table. "Wanna play?" I asked smiling. He scoffed and took his glasses off. "Yeah I don't think so." "And why not? Are you scared of losing against a girl?" I asked smirking. "Oh you're on. Just be careful driving home drunk." He smiled evilly. Smooth. I settled at the other end of the table while a circle of people formed around us. "Ladies first." He said throwing me the ping pong ball while putting his glasses back on. I grabbed it, aimed it towards the closest beer cup and threw it. The ball dropped smoothly in the cup as people cheered. I couldn't help but smirk at the douche drinking angrily the beer. "Be careful driving home drunk" I smile innocently. He groaned and grabbed the ball. He threw it and it landed in one of the cups. I frowned and chugged it down. Guys were cheering while the guy I was playing against smirked.

About 30 minutes later, I had about five beers in my system while my rival had 7. The game was finally over and i stumbled over to the alcohol table. I bumped into someone and groaned. "Ugh watch it." I snapped. "Woah bitch don't pull an attitude on me." The guy barked. I looked up and saw it was the same guy I played beer pong against. "Ugh just get out of my way." I said rolling my eyes. I was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and pushed up against a wall. "What the f.." I started but was cut off. "Listen you little bitch. Don't even think about getting an attitude on me. You do not want to mess with me." I looked up and saw a gorgeous no sexy guy with dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes looking at me. "Damn" i whispered ti myself. "Did you hear me??" He barked pulling me out of my thoughts. "Listen, I just want to get a drink. Don't expect to pull that bad boy shit on me. I'm not scared of you and YOU shouldn't mess with ME." I snapped getting annoyed before walking away. I held my middle finger up in the air knowing he was still looking at me and made my way to the people smoking what looked like weed.

I grabbed a joint and slowly inhaled the toxic substance. "Mmm" I moaned out loud before bursting into fits of laughter. My arm was suddenly dragged out side making me laugh even more. Oh wait I was outside. "Oh my god Lexi we've got to get out of here!!" A worried Rebecca said. "Why?" I asked holding in my laughter. "The cops are here!" She grabbed my arm and put me in the car. We drove away from the house and arrive to my house about 20 minutes after.

I stumbled over to the door and yelled like a maniac once i was in my home. "JAKEY!! I'M BACK BITCHES!! COME ON BOYS LETS GO TO MY ROOM!!" I laughed. I was about to walk up the stairs when I bumped into my mad looking big brother. "Go in your room with Becky now. Take a shower cus you reek and ill bring you some water. I swear I'm so pissed that you got yourself so wasted." he snapped. "Oki doki big browther!!" i slurred. Next thing I know I'm sitting in the tub and everything went black.

I woke up the next morning to a very bright light. I slightly opened my eyes and saw my window wide opened and a cloudless sky. I stood up but immediately fell back down on my bed as I was submerged by pain in my head. Ugh stupid hangovers. I didn't remember a thing that happened last night. I did remember that Becky was with me. I looked over but found an empty bed. I stood up trying to ignore the pain and looked in my closet. Nothing. I walked slowly to the bathroom but no Rebecca. Where the hell is she? I felt stupid looking there but I still bent over and looked under my kind sized bed. I almost had a heart attack when I saw Becky laying there with drool all over her face and my home phone in between her boobs. I held in my laughter but it was something practically impossible at the sight if her. "Beckyyyy" i whispered while shaking her lightly. She didn't move. "Becky!" I said louder shaking her harder. "Beckyyyyyy" I practically yelled. She wouldn't freaking move. "Becky it's Jakeee" I said in a low man voice. She immediately shot her head up causing it to bump hard on on the boards of my king sized bed.

"OUCHHHHH" She yelled probably due to the pain she just received and because of her hangover. At this point I was on my back laughing like a maniac. I heard quick footsteps coming from the outside of my bedroom door. A few seconds later it was swung opened and my very worried looking brother appeared in my bedroom. "What's going on here?!" He asked. "Jake!!" Becky screamed and tried to get up but was brought back to the floor when her forehead hit my bed boards for the second time. "Fucking shit!" She gasped. She crawled out from under my bed and stood up a bit too quickly. "Hi Jake!" She said twirling her very messy hair around her finger. My brother didn't respond. His attention was fully focused on the phone stuck between her boobs. "Jake." I snapped which took him out of his trance. "Oh right uh are you girls alright?" He asked. "Yep. Did you make us some breakfast?" I asked hoping he did. "Yeah pancakes are..."

I didn't let him finish I was already running down the stairs. Pancakes are my favorite. After McDonald's and pizza and chicken wings and you know all that stuff. I got there and all the guys were around our big table. In case you're wondering, our house is huge. It's kinda obvious since nine people live here and ten if you consider Becky since she's always here. I grabbed six pancakes and stacked them up on my plate. I grabbed some whipped cream, maple syrup and chocolate chips from the fridge and pantry and made my way to my usual seat around the table. "Ugh you're so disgusting. You're gonna get fat if you keep eating like that Lex." Trey said. I put my things on the table and lifted my shirt up and flexed my abs making that idiot shut up. He only ate healthy things and always went to the gym. "That made you shut up." Xavier said. He was probably the only one I didn't despise.

I smile and sat down getting ready to have this heaven food in my mouth. The pancakes were still hot so as soon as I put my chocolate chips on them, they melted. I put about a foot of whipped cream on them and a couple shots in my mouth and topped everything off with maple syrup. I put mt fork in the stalk and put a huge bite in my mouth. "Ugh you're so gross." Jason said. "Am not." I said with my mouth full. "Bet you 20 bucks you cant finish that." He smirked. "Pff too easy. Deal." I said taking another bite. About ten minutes later my plate was completely clean due to the fact that I licked my plate just to piss Jason off. "Pay up!" I said sliding my empty plate towards him.

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