"Perfect" date

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Alexis' POV-

"Thanks again for doing this Lex. I appreciate it so much." Becky said giving me a hug.

"Whatever, let's just get this stupid date over with." I rolled my eyes as I took the keys out of the ignition of my yellow ferrari.

We walked in this diner and I adjusted the gun in the waist band of my jeans.

I wasn't leaving my baby at home anymore, especially not after what happened last night at the club with that cunt.

I was currently wearing black skinny jeans, a red tank top and a black jean jacket.

I wiped dirt off my black ugg boots before opening the door for Becky and I.

We looked around the diner looking for Kaleb and my mystery "date" and I suddenly heard Becky gasp.

"He's there!" she said happily.

I looked over to where she was pointing and my jaw dropped when I saw who was sitting at the table with Kaleb.

He must've noticed me too because his hazel eyes, turned into a very dark brown, almost black, color.

"Told you he'd be hot." I heard Beck whisper in my ear before she greeted Kaleb giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, I'm Justin." he said sticking out his hand expecting me to shake it back.

I cautiously brought my hand to his not once looking away from his eyes.


It's like we had just started a starring contest because neither of us looked away for what seemed like forever.

"Told you they'd hit it off." I heard Becky say to Kaleb.

I was just about to say something when the waitress came and took our orders.

She was looking at Justin the whole time and was practically eye-raping him.

I rolled my eyes at how slutty she was being and heard Justin laugh as she left to get our drinks.

"Something funny?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you." he chuckled.

"And why am I funny?" I said getting annoyed.

"Cus you're jealous."

I practically chocked on my own vomit as he said those words.

I looked at him trying to hold in my laughter and replied:

"I'm not jealous of another girl eye-raping you honey, don't worry. I find it really annoying though that this girl is going to be coming back at our table every five minutes so she can have a chance to look at you and probably have fantasies about you in her sleep. And one day, you two'll probably meet again, have some nice sex for a night and then you'll dump her flat ass on the corner of a street and leave her feeling like shit. Not saying she deserves better because quite frankly, she deserves to know what it's gonna be like for her for the rest of her life if she continues to open her legs for any hot guy that she sees." I spat.

Damn I am awesome!

"Oh so you think I'm hot?" he asked smirking annoyingly like he always does.

I was just about to say something that would've popped up in my mind and would've made him shut up when that annoying slut came back.

She "dropped" her pen on the floor and picked it up so her "ass" was in Justin's direction before giggling like an idiot.

"So... what can I get for you?" She asked us her eyes never leaving Justin.

"I'll have a cheeseburger, a side of curly fries, a chocolate-banana milkshake and a banana cream pie." I smiled while all eyes were on me.

"I'll have the same!" Becky said.

Kaleb looked at her in shock and smiled approvingly.

"You know, if you keep eating like that, you're gonna get fat." the waitress said.

It took every inch of self-control I had in my body to not get up and punch that little bitch.

"I'd insult you but you're working in a diner... Do I really need to?" was all I needed to say to make her shut up and leave to get our food after she took the boy's orders.

Take that little bitch.

She came back about 10 minutes later with our food and there was an awkward silence.

"How bout we go bowling after we eat?" Becky proposed.

Was she serious? I thought we were having diner and that was it.

I rolled my eyes and took another bite of mt delicious burger.

"Yeah that'd be awesome!" Kaleb added.

"Yeah, I have some stuff to take care of and all so I'll have to pass." I lied.

"Pff yeah sure, you're probably just scared cus you suck at bowling." He snarled.

"Hey I have an idea, why don't you shut up?" I snapped. 

He snickered and we finished eating in silence while Becky and Kaleb looked like they were having the time of their lives.

When we were done, we went to the bowling place despite my disapproval. 

We got there in seperate cars and the boys payed for the bowling alleys while we put our ugly ass shoes on. 

I must've looked like I was having the worst day of my life, and I was.

We started the game, girls against boys. 

Becky was playing and I was waiting for my turn at the table while drinking a coke. 

I rolled my eyes when she did a strike and jumped in Kaleb's arms and checked my phone which was lit up due to a message from my brother.

Come home now. Business. 

It read. I rolled my eyes not wanting to get in a fight or kill someone tonight and was about to leave when a voice stopped me. 

"What business do you do?" A voice asked which belong to one but Justin Bieber.

"None of your's." I snapped grabbing my purse and getting up.

"I think it is, I'd like to know which other gangs and gang members are in my town."

"First of all this isn't your town it's mine. And second of all I didn't say anything about being in a gang nor am I in one." I lied, well only the second part.

"Mhm. Sure. I'm sure your brother wouldn't appreciate you going on a date with the world's most famous criminal." He smirked.

"My brother isn't going to know and by the way this wasn't a date, it was a favor I was doing for my friend. Now good fucking bye and try not to get yourself killed when we meet again, or do I don't really care." (READ THE AN)


Hey guys sorry if this was a boring chapter, I'll try to make the next one more interesting, btw I changed the chapter called Party when Becky grabs Alexis really quickly and says they have to get out of there because Justin Bieber is there.. She says the cops are there cus Becky doesn't know about the gang stuff. 

Hope you liked in anyway, vote share follow me anything! tell me what you thought (twitter: @avonsbeliefs) 

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