Chapter 17- Collateral damage

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Central Hamlet- The Ironcliff Castle

The daunting task before Sora and the brothers was reminiscent of the insurrection they had faced before. They stood together, resolute, as they made another attempt to stop the threat that loomed over their home. This time, however, they faced a more indomitable foe. Yet, with everything to lose, they were determined to prevail.

Sneaking past the guards with deft precision and taking them down without a sound, Sora and the brothers stealthily made their way towards the sanctuary within the castle where the dark rituals were being performed. Concealed behind the columns, they silently observed the proceedings from a safe distance.

The chants reverberated through the air, growing louder and more intense with every passing moment. The eyes of the shamans, as well as Vergie and Nessa, rolled back into their heads, and a dim glow filled their eyelids. The cauldron trembled with mounting intensity, and as a sudden rush of force took over, it reached the boiling point, shattering the vessel and creating a massive blast of smoke that engulfed them, temporarily blinding them with a thick fog.

As the fog cleared and the light returned, the onlookers gasped in amazement at the sight before them. Sora and the brothers stood in awe as they watched the events unfold before their very eyes. The smoke began to dissipate, revealing the two twisted and contorted figures of Gath and Frida. They looked like they had just risen from the grave, their bodies convulsing as they struggled to regain their strength.

The cauldron lay in pieces around them, and the stench of sulfur and burnt herbs filled the air. The onlookers took a step back, unable to believe what they were seeing. Gath and Frida slowly rose to their feet, their eyes blazing with an unearthly light.

"They're alive..." Ayram breathed in disbelief, as Sora and the brothers watched the scene unfold with a mixture of shock and horror.

As the two figures began to regain their strength, their bodies began to morph and twist, changing into something else entirely. Gath's skin turned a sickly green, and his eyes glowed with a malevolent light. Frida's body twisted and contorted, her limbs elongating and her features becoming more bestial.

The air around them crackled with energy, and the ground shook beneath their feet. Sora and the brothers watched in terror as the two resurrected beings began to take on a life of their own, growing stronger and more powerful with each passing moment.

The atmosphere was charged with emotion as Vergie covered his resurrected parents with a cloth, helping them to stand up. Gath and Frida had returned to the world of the living in the flesh, and Vergie was lost in a whirlwind of emotions that he had never experienced before.

Meanwhile, Nessa, unsure of her fate, began to retreat slowly, knowing that she had lost her place and that the doom of Hamlet had just begun. She had to act fast if she was going to avoid punishment.

As everyone bowed before Gath and Frida, Fynn noticed Nessa's attempt to escape and realized the damage she had caused. She made a run for it down the hallway, hoping to reach the spiral stairs that led to the forecourt. But her loud footsteps caught the attention of the guards, who were quick to follow Fynn's orders to seize her. Spells were cast at Nessa, but she skillfully repelled them back at their senders, hitting them even harder and creating a vortex around herself that made her untouchable.

Vergie, disappointed to still see Nessa alive, gestured to Mira to take his vulnerable parents to safety before turning his attention to Nessa. He shot a powerful vortex at her, which was too much for her to hold, sending her flying backward.

"You already served your purpose anyway," he snarled as he approached her.

Nessa quickly got to her feet, engaging him in an intense high-stakes elemental battle. The two exchanged blows and spells, wearing each other out in a dazzling display of magic. Vergie and Nessa's battle was like a dance of death, a frenzied exchange of magic that lit up the hallway with bright flashes of light.

Nessa was a skilled fighter, weaving spells that were sharp as a blade, while Vergie relied on his raw power, his magic surging like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm his opponent. The two seemed evenly matched, and even with the prowess of the yeti, Vergie still struggled to defeat her easily.

As Vergie unleashed his forceful blow, Nessa stumbled backwards, her breath hitching as she clutched her aching ribs. Fynn, moved by an impulse to defend his mother, burst out of hiding and charged towards Vergie. Sora and the remaining brothers quickly followed suit, each of them channeling their own powerful magic to face the menacing foe.

But Vergie was unyielding, and his mocking taunt rang out like a challenge to the group. He cracked his knuckles and twisted his neck, poised to face their attack head-on. Despite the overwhelming odds, Nessa found strength in the love and support of her sons and Sora. She snarled at Vergie, determined to defeat him once and for all.

With a fierce battle cry, all five of them lunged towards Vergie, their spells colliding in a dazzling display of light and magic. The hallway shook with the intensity of their struggle, the air thick with the scent of burning magic and sweat.

The air crackled with magical energy as the battle raged on. Nessa and her allies fought with all their might against the powerful Vergie, their spells illuminating the hallway with a dazzling display of colors. But despite their valiant efforts, Vergie's strength and skill held them down, his shield protecting him from their combined assault.

As the tension reached its peak, the five allies combined their spells, unleashing a devastating shot of magic that shook the very foundations of the place. Vergie responded with a vortex of shield, but their attack slowly broke through, bringing him to the brink of defeat. Just when they were about to strike the final blow, a sudden and powerful force from behind shattered their concentration, sending a swirl of magic past them that hit Nessa and her allies, breaking their force.

Then, out of nowhere, Mira, Gath, and Frida appeared, their arrival turning the tide of the battle in Vergie's favor. Gath's flirtatious banter with Nessa momentarily eased the tension in the room, but his tone quickly turned to one of burning hatred as he demanded to know the whereabouts of Dante. Nessa tried to reason with him, warning him that things wouldn't end well, but Mira had a different plan in mind.

Without hesitation, Mira conjured a swirl of smoke, disarming Vergie of the yeti and tossing it over to Apollyon. But Frida, quick to react, diverted its direction, grabbing it before Apollyon could. Mira knew the risks of her actions, but she embraced her fate, willing to do anything to help Nessa and her allies.

In a fit of anger and sorrow, Apollyon let out a guttural yell as Vergie cast an unforgivable spell at Mira, shattering her into countless pieces. Nessa acted quickly, creating a portal and rushing everyone through it, evading Gath before he could attempt anything else. The battle may have ended, but the cost was high, and the consequences were yet to be seen.

Central Hamlet- Later that day..

Vergie's long-awaited and meticulously planned scheme had finally come to fruition. After years of meticulous planning, he had succeeded in exacting his revenge and restoring justice. With a triumphant grin, he bowed before the resurrected figures of his parents, Gath and Frida, as a solemn procession commenced.

The grand hall was filled with a palpable tension, as if the very air was electrified. Vergie's heart pounded in his chest as the crown of Hamlet, carefully laid out on a royal pillow, was presented to Gath. The shaman, with shaking hands, stepped forward to perform his sacred duty, blessing and crowning the new king.

As the shaman's incantations reached a fever pitch, Gath's body began to shake, his eyes rolling back into his head. Suddenly, with a deafening roar, a massive surge of power surged through the room. The ground trembled beneath Vergie's feet, as Gath groaned, his body convulsing with the sheer force of the yeti's power.

Finally, the transformation was complete. Gath stood before them, a towering, ominous figure, his once-human features twisted into something dark and sinister. Vergie couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine as he gazed upon the new king's terrifying visage.

The rest of the procession bowed before their new ruler, a sense of awe and fear hanging heavy in the air. The fate of Hamlet now rested on Gath's shoulders, and none knew what horrors he might unleash upon the land.

"Bring me Dante" he ordered.

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