Chapter 3- Fate

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Currently| Saint-Louis University...

As the sun's rays filtered through the museum windows, Mark struggled to open his bleary eyes. He was lying on the hard floor, his head spinning from the tumultuous night. Theo and Zane were hovering over him, trying to rouse him from his stupor.

"Mark? Mark? Mark, get up. Hey, get up!" Theo's urgent voice echoed in his ears. Mark groaned and slowly sat up, disoriented and embarrassed by the crowd of students who had gathered around them.

The history class had just begun, and Professor Steve, a tall, balding man with an oversized blue coat, walked over to them with a scowl on his face. He took one look at Mark's disheveled appearance and shook his head in disgust.

"Are you okay? What're you doing sleeping in the museum at 9 am?" Professor Steve asked, eyeing Mark skeptically.

Mark struggled to form a coherent response, but his muddled brain refused to cooperate. The professor's stern expression only added to his confusion.

"My office at 3 o'clock," Professor Steve said curtly before turning and walking away.

As Mark's friends helped him to his feet, he began to feel discombobulated. Scenes from the night before flooded his mind, and he winced at the memory of it.

Han's concern deepened as Mark moaned and held his head, struggling to remember what happened. Theo's incredulous question only made him more confused.

As Mark slowly made his way down the hallway, scenes from the night before rushed through his memory like a chaotic slideshow, almost causing him to stumble. He barely managed to lock himself in the bathroom before the light bulbs began to flicker ominously.

He turned on the faucet and splashed his face with water, hoping to clear his mind.

But as he looked up into the mirror, he saw the yeti in his pocket, glinting in the dim light

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But as he looked up into the mirror, he saw the yeti in his pocket, glinting in the dim light. It was an ancient relic, crafted from heavy gold and adorned with intricate inscriptions.

As he gazed at the yeti, a strange sensation overtook him. It was as if the artifact was whispering to him, calling forth a transcendental vision that shook him to his core. Mark's mind raced with a thousand questions, but he knew that he had to keep his cool if he was going to make sense of it all.

The profound feelings of discomfort stopped. The bathroom turned blue, hazy, and unsettling. There was a moment of sinister silence, then a sudden creak as one of the doors of the bathroom cubicles swang open.

"Who's there?" he muttered, fear gripped and confused. Then, finally, a short bald older-looking man with a long white beard came out. It was Xerxes' spirit.

"You.." Mark recognized him from the night at the museum.

Mark's heart raced as he stared at Xerxes' spirit standing before him. The memory of holding the dying man in his arms the night before came flooding back, and Mark couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Xerxes' expression was solemn as he spoke in a deep voice. "I am Xerxes, an augur who has been cursed for centuries, and I need your help."

Mark's mind was spinning with questions, but he couldn't deny the feeling of urgency in Xerxes' words.

"I don't have a lot of time. What you have in your possession is a powerful weapon. A weapon soughted by all but only a few can wield it willfully."

"You must keep it safe. It chose you for a reason. The fate of Hamlet lies on your shoulder young lad"

Mark was lost and nothing made sense to him.

"What're you talking about? What's a hamlet? And what is this mysterious book?These visions?"

"Dear young warlock, prepare to embark on a journey that transcends the bounds of science and imagination. I shall guide you through the treacherous land of Hamlet, a realm crafted by the mystical powers of the universe. It was born from the dying breath of a star that came face to face with fate, birthing a land of supernaturals with abilities beyond mortal comprehension.

Nimrod, the first being born from the dying star's wish, was the forefather of a lineage that built great kingdoms, amassing wealth and authority. But his most trusted servants, the sinister twins Vala and Venti, rebelled against him when he chose his son Giuseppe as his heir over them. Nimrod, determined to put down the insurrection, sought the counsel of the first witch and created the ultimate weapon: the Yeti. This powerful weapon was used to defeat the twins and imprison them in the Citadel of Sin, a prison built for the most heinous criminals.

However, the power of the Yeti proved too great for mere mortals to wield. As kingdoms rose and fell, the Yeti became a coveted prize for those seeking its immense power. Kings died prematurely, and even those closest to them could not be trusted around it. The weapon, once meant to protect, had torn kingdoms apart and led them to ruin.

During King Dante's reign, his life took a dark turn when he murdered his own brother and sister-in-law, raising their son Vergie as his own. Haunted by the realization that he had no true heir, Dante fell into a cycle of sin and desperation, resorting to infidelity in a futile attempt to conceive a child of his own.

When the queen discovered Dante's misdeeds, she conspired with Vergie to bring him down. Their attempt to overthrow Dante resulted in a great insurgence that left Hamlet in ruins. But despite their efforts, they were ultimately unsuccessful, as the queen emerged victorious, crushing her foes and retaining her grip on the land.

The origin of the yeti and its fate have been shrouded in mystery and danger for centuries. Its power continues to attract those seeking to control it, but none have succeeded. Will you be the one to unlock its secrets, or will you meet the same fate as those who came before you? The choice is yours, young warlock."

Mark gulped as the weight of the responsibility crashed down on him like a ton of bricks. His mind raced with questions and doubts, and he couldn't help but ask, "Why me?"

Xerxes' voice was solemn as he spoke, "Dante knew his life was at stake when he planned to destroy the yeti. He consulted the dead and was foretold that the yeti would find its way into the hands of the least expected. It is only then that Hamlet would see the light."

Mark was spellbound, unable to process the enormity of the situation.

"I was the last guardian that stood against the queen before she slaughtered every member of the high table," Xerxes continued. "We tried to subdue her, but we could not. She's way too powerful now, and getting her hands on the yeti would doom us all."

Mark was still processing when Xerxes spoke again, "Bearing the yeti marks you as a target, but also an unbreakable force to be reckoned with. You have an advantage as I believe you have had a taste of its indescribable power. Use it when necessary. At the right time, good and evil will come looking for it, either to return it to its rightful place or use it for their own gain. The power will help you discern."

"I don't think I'm ready for this. This is too much. I just started college. I didn't come here for this. This magic and sorcery and witches and all that? I'm sorry, I'm not your guy," Mark stammered.

Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed through the walls, jolting Mark out of his thoughts. He raced out of the bathroom to find Professor Steve's lifeless body nailed to the wall, blood spilling all over with an ancient inscription reading "Fate."

Xerxes' words rang in his ears, "The fate of this world rests on your shoulders now, young warlock."

Mark knew he had no choice. The stakes were high, and time was running out. He had to use the power of the yeti and unravel the mystery behind its origins before it fell into the wrong hands. The fate of the world depended on it.

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