Life of a Teenager

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Part 1

Chap 1

It's the end of the year and I get to move in with my big bro Lucas. He lives in Colorado and I'm so excited to go. He lives in a huge house I call the castle. He is a professional athlete.

I've been wait every since I was a freshman to move in with him and I'm finally a junior so I can. We have been planing this for years and now my chance is here. I'm not gonna miss anyone except my SBH Cat and Alex. Cat and Alex have always been there for me and I don't want to leave them but I got to.

Cat has been with me since 4th grade and Alex since 1st. Alex was my first real friend when I started school cause I was the new girl and no one else would talk to me but then up walked alex saying hey wanna be friends? I said Best Friends? He said Ya! So we have been close every since we dated awhile but it didnt work out.

Cat her and me have been like sister since 4th grade. There was a new girl and we both didn't like her and that's what brought us close together. But now I have to leave her and Alex I don't know how I'm gonna manage being the new girl again. Especially since they aren't with me.

So today's the day I go I was up late last night packing all my things so I didn't sleep to well.

But I came down stairs in my Pj's a sports bra and spanks. To my surprise Alex and Cat are already here. CRAP!! I'm in my Pj's I run back up stairs and get my robe. I come back down and Alex is blushing and Cat is laughing. "We came here to say bye not see u half naked jeez." She laughs again. "Srry I didn't expect to see u guys here already" I said. Well we r here" they say at the same time. We all start to laugh but then I start crying.

"Come on don't cry we will see u here on holidays." Cat says. Ya and u never know maybe we can come visit u some time." Alex says with small smile. "Ya I guess your right I will see u guys but not every day like normal." I say with a sad tone in my voice. "Ya but now I can talk my dad into getting me a computer with a webcam." Alex says. "Ya I guess." I say with a small laugh.

Then my brother pulls up I say my goodbyes with lots of tears. I think Alex even let a few drop. But then I give them both a hug and give Alex a quick peck on the check and turn around and run to the car with tears coming down in the gallons. Now don't cry to much u have been waiting for this day forever so have fun! Cat says. I'll try. I say sadly.

Then bye the time I know it we r at the airport. We get on the airplane and I feel a little happier. I look out the window and say Goodbye Florida Hello Colorado.

Chap 2

We get there really fast it feels like and there are 2 guys waiting there with Motorcycles. Is this what we r taking to your house? Ya don't u like? One ofthe guys on a bike says. Lucas laughs. This is David and Hunter. Hi, I say shyly. Ok get on then Hunter says. Wait I have to ride with one of u? Ya don't be afraid we don't bite to much. Hunter says. I laugh and then I get on hunters bike.

The ride goes by at and then we are there. The castle the house I have been dreaming about for years and now it's finally here. I take a gasp and Hunter say, Wat u act like you've never seen a big house before. No I have but I can't believe my brother lives here. That's just hurtful. Lucas says. We all laugh and then we walk up the side walk and go inside. O my gosh! I say to my self. Ok Hunter will u show her to her room I gotta call mo let her know we got here safe. Lucas says. Sure, Hunter says. This way ma lady. Hunter says jokingly. We both laugh and then he takes me to my room.

It's huge I say out loud. Well anything for ma lady. He says. Stop calling me your lady. I say fine but any ways there's a party over at my house to nite its right next door. He goes to the window See, he points outside and I see part of a house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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