Chapter One
Everyone thinks being a celebrity's daughter is a dream come true. Everyone thinks being a celebrity's daughter is fun. Everyone thinks you have the greatest family ever. Everyone thinks you can sing. Everyone thinks you always go on tour with your parents. Everyone forgets that you grow up without privacy. Everyone forgets that you're not your parents. Everyone forgets that your parents might be getting a divorce. Everyone forgets that you still have to go to school. Everyone forgets how lonely you really and truly are. Try being me. Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert's daughter.
"Momma! When does Daddy's flight land?", I shouted from my room, with a ruby towel wrapped around me.
"Lands at eleven!", she hollered back but not before reminding me not to shout in the house. "And Mckenzie if I have told you once, I've told you a thousand times. Do not yell in this house!".
With that, I start to get dressed. After all, I only have an hour and a half until Daddy's plane lands. I throw on a pair of jeans, my pink jack wills hoodie, and a pair of Uggs, before heading downstairs and eating a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, and orange juice. Just as I put my plate and glass, Momma walked back down the stairs and grumbled, "Let's get this over with..."
"What's wrong? we get to finally see Daddy!", I inquired.
"You'll understand a little bit later, honey bunches. you understand me?", Momma countered, trying to pretty much end our conversation and trust me it worked.
"Yes, Momma..." I mumbled. This wasn't fair. I should be able to know. She wants me to tell her everything. I think it's only fair for her to return the favor. She on the other hand, doesn't see it that way. For her, it's need to know. She needs to know everything about me and I need to know nothing about her. It doesn't make ant sense. I know. I promise this isn't new to me at all, but it still doesn't make sense.
"Well let's get a move on!" Momma says pretending to be happy and cheerful. We walk into the garage and over to the black range rover that is so cliché. I mean how many celebrities need black range rovers? Not all of them! That's for sure. We arrive at the airport around ten thirty and are immediately bombarded by paparazzi. With security's help, we slowly push our way through the maze of people and get to Daddy's gate, making it there at ten fifty-five. I check my phone every ten seconds to look at the time. It hits eleven and Daddy still isn't here. I stare at my phone anxiously, not even looking up until I'm pulled into a hug from behind. I turn around onto the hug and look up to see Daddy hugging me.
"Daddy!" I squeal, giving him the biggest hug ever possible.
"Baby! You've grown up haven't you?" Daddy questions.
"Well, Blake, that's what happens when you go in tour for nine months. Then you are barely home before you go off and start that stupid show if yours" Momma butts in.
"Miranda" Daddy says in a warming tone as if stating now isn't the appropriate time.
"She's gonna have to find out eventually! Might as well tell her now since you're leaving again in three days!" she shouted, before mumbling, "For good this time", not aware that I could hear her.
"What aren't you telling me?" I questioned with a shaky voice.
"Well your father and I-", Momma started, but Daddy cut her off
"We'll discuss this over lunch and not until then. Do you understand? Let her enjoy herself until then, at least. Is that too much to ask?", Daddy asked ending the conversation completely. We slowly and carefully made our way back through the crowds of people and paparazzi trying to get back to the car and go home. I stand in between Daddy and Momma with Daddy holding my hand the entire way. When we get in the car, Daddy asks, "McKenzie! where do you want to eat?", trying to break the deafening silence invading the space
"Olive Garden" I mutter, still not sure what's going on. Daddy turns on the radio and I song I don't know is on. We drive and drive, allowing silence to return. We eventually arrive and are seated, so I immediately ask the one question that's been on my mind since this morning. "What's going on with you two? You've never been like this, so what's so wrong that neither of you would tell about until well now?".
Daddy and Momma look at each other before Daddy says, "Your mother and I have decided that we are having some issues and will be getting a divorce. You'll come and live with me during the voice then it will be your decision. We'll be living in three days, not three weeks to get everything you need to live with me for at least a while since it will be your choice".
"You're getting a divorce", I state.
"Yes, Mckenzie, a divorce. And since you're seventeen, it's up to you who you'll live with, after The Voice is over" Momma said finally joining the conversation.
"Why are you getting a divorce?", I inquire.
"Miranda, why don't you tell her?" Daddy smugly states.
"Fine. Well, sweetie, about a year ago, two weeks before your father went on tour, I accused him of cheating on me with Adam Levine. He said he hadn't but I didn't believe him. He left on tour, I told Anne, breaking her and Adam up. Then I cheated on your father with one of his old contestants, Zach Swon. I was already wanting the divorce after what I thought happened with Adam but when your father found out I was cheating, that sealed the deal. He filed for divorce".
"Momma! How could you! I trusted you! All this? For what? To ruin your marriage? Show your daughter how she's supposed to treat her husband? For Zach! I hate you! I hope you're happy!" I screamed before standing up and storming out to the car. Five minutes later, Momma and Daddy met me out there and we left. When we arrived home, I stormed upstairs and started looking for my suitcase,so I could begin packing. How could she cheat on Daddy? I angrily found my favorite outfits and threw then into my bag until Daddy walked in.
"Knock, knock," Daddy quietly said before walking in anyway.
"You're already in, but I guess come in" I replied sarcastically.
"You're being a little harsh on your mother, don't you think? After all, she is still your mother".
"She cheated, Daddy! Cheated! She ruined our family. I don't understand how you can act like everything's fine! She accused you of being gay! Now you want the fifteen year old girl to pick between her cheating mother and faithful father! I'm not being harsh".
"I know this is difficult and you don't want to change high schools and move to the other side of the country but it's the only way for you to truly understand how your mother and myself live before your decision. We both love you and this is already hard for both of us. Please don't try to make it anymore difficult than it has to be".
"Okay, but only because you asked nicely. I just can't understand why Momma would ever do anything like that. I can't stand her!".
"Mckenzie, she's still your mother. Now I want to see those tear free ocean eyes of yours along with your bright smile. You understand me?".
"Yes, Daddy. When do we leave?".
"Three days".
Daddy walks out and I flop down on my bed, thinking that this wouldn't be so bad. California. New school. New friends. I could actually spend time with Daddy. It won't be awful. I won't have to see Momma and her cheating, home wrecking self. This definitely wouldn't be too bad.