Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Author's Note: thank you guys sooooo much for supporting this story! It's only at the beginning but it's been incredible to watch this story grow and blossom. Thanks to everyone who has voted and followed. Please comment! Even if it's just to say this story sucks! I'm writing for you guys so tell me what you want in it. We're still in exposition/rising action so anything can happen


It was dinner time in the Shelton house and an awkward silence filled the air. Daddy, still under the impression that Adam and I were fighting, had warned me to be nice and behave like the girl he knew I could be or else. I was awkwardly seated beside Adam with Daddy in front of us. We were picking at the overly greasy delivery pizza not saying much. Daddy would every so often look at me as if trying to remind me to be nice. I guess Adam decided he didn't want Daddy to know we had made up because he refused to so much as look at me.

"Why did you cheat?", I asked.

"Mckenzie, we've already been over this. And you know I didn't".

"Why did you cheat on my real mom with Miranda, Daddy? Why do I call Miranda Momma? How come my real mom never calls anymore?".

"Now isn't the best time for this. Maybe when you're older".

"Blake, if you don't tell her, I will", Adam threatened.

"She's not ready!", Daddy boomed.

I looked at Adam as sweetly as possible before he broke and told me.

"Your father started cheating in 2005. It broke your mother's heart. The last time she ever saw you was Blake's honeymoon. She kept trying to see you and let you know she would be there, but Blake pushed her out. She died last year but no one knows how".

"ADAM NOAH LEVINE!!!", Daddy thundered while I couldn't bear the sight of him and left, bursting into a fountain of tears, knowing now why it was so easy for Miranda to believe he cheated. I got up and ran to my finally unpacked room and wept.

A couple of hours had passed before Adam came into my room and sat down on my bed, pulling me closer while I strummed the guitar. "You okay, Sweetheart?"

"I'll be fine. Just a little sick of Daddy's drama".

"Mckenzie, we all are but it's okay. You still love him and so does everyone else. So what are you doing up here?".

"Just playing around, writing a song".

"Can I hear it?".

"Absolutely not! I cannot sing to save my life!".

"I don't care! Sing the song!".

"Okay, okay", I said giggling before clearing my throat and beginning to sing.

I don't have to give
But I don't care for gold
What use is running when you need someone to hold
Don't have direction
I'm just rolling down this road
Waiting for you to bring me out of the cold

You'll never know the endless night
The rhyme of the rain
Or how it feels to fall behind
And watch you call his name

Pack up pack up leave everything
Don't you see what I can bring
Can't keep this beating heart at bay
Set my midnight's hour free
I will give you all of me
Just leave your lover
Leave her for me

We sit in bars and raise our drinks to growing old
I'm in love with you and you will never know
It if I can't have you
I'll walk this life alone
Spare you the rising storm
And let the rivers flow

You'll never know the endless night
The rhyme of the rain
Or how it feels to fall behind
And watch you call his name

Pack up pack up leave everything
Don't you see what I can bring
Can't keep this beating heart at bay
Set my midnight's hour free
I will give you all of me
Just leave your lover
Leave her for me

I looked up at Adam awaiting his response.

"Well you were right when you said you couldn't sing, but you can play and write really well".

"Thanks" I whispered, blushing. I started to slightly tune out whatever Adam had started talking about. That is until I felt something foreign against my lips. I looked I front of me with widened eyes. Adam Levine was kissing me.

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