o hey wow smoothie

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Leigh POV

The bell rings and signals that it's time for lunch.

2 more classes until I leave this rotten hole.
I think to myself.

The crowd of students leaving the classroom is unbearable so I wait along with Weston and Mario in the back.

As the students start to clear the classroom faster it gets to a point where there's only about 5 people, so we decided to walk out.

As we start walking people are looking at me weirdly. Why? You might ask.

Well since my white hoodie got stained cause of Susan I had to get another shirt.

What shirt are you wearing? You might ask.

Well I asked a couple teachers if they had a spare shirt; non of them did.
So I went to Weston and asked him. Turns out he did.

But who the hell caries a shirt with their face on them 24/7.
Yes ladies and gents I am wearing a shirt with Weston's face on it.
Oh you thought that was it?

On the shirt written in black bold letters is the word p3n1s.
Spelt exactly like that.
I almost got in trouble for it, but I in fact stated that it doesn't say penis; therefore they can't make me change.

So that's that.

Gosh I really need friends that are girls. Ya know the girls who just share closets.

But let's not talk about my embarrassing first day.
I'm shaken out of my thoughts when we enter the ear torchorious place I call; the lunchroom.

As we get in line I realize I'm not that hungry; unlike Mario and Weston who are basically taking 3 spoonfuls of everything on display.

I grab a chocolate milkshake to drink and... a smoothie with.. Alot of fruits in it.. For something I'm gonna do before lunch ends.

As we pay and start walking towards a random empty table I hear someone scoff as I look to my side I see... Susan and Amy.

I try walking past them but I guess they were out to get me or something cause they try to trip me.

Bitches thought wrong.
"Leave me alone for gods sake." I say ruffling my hair out of frustration.
"Whatever" Amy says as her and Susan turn around laughing to eachother.
"Gosh she's such a slut she probably had sex with Mario and Weston." Susan says as she says Mario and Weston's name with the most disgusting tone in her voice.

"Shut the fuck up." I say done with her.

They just turn around and look at me with pure hatred as they turn around and start talking again.
They chuckle as Amy says "She can't tell us what to do she's not our dad. Oh wait she has no dad."

After that crossing the line I think,
The end of lunch can wait.

I lightly tap both of their shoulders as I grab my smoothie and dump it all over Amy and Susan.
"Have fun" I chuckle before skipping off to where Mario and Weston decided to sit.

"Tsk tsk tsk Leighanne" I hear as I sit down while on my phone.

"You just can't stay out of drama, it's the first day." Mario says.

"What are we going to do with you" Weston says. "You've *sniff* changed so much." Weston says overdramaticlly putting his head in his hands pretending to cry.

I just shrug my shoulders as I drink my milkshake and laugh at the girls screaming in the background.

As I go on my phone I feel a tap on my shoulder turning around ready to see Susan and Amy but surprisingly I turn around to see a girl I don't know.

"Umm hey so basically I think what you did other there was badass cause their bitches." She says sweetly smiling.

I grab my milkshake and drink it while trying to start a conversation.

"Thanks-" I say smiling "I'm Leighanne, what's your name?"

"So do you know anything about bitch 1 and bitch 2?" I ask trying to get tea.

"Not really but I saw what they did earlier, bitchy move. Sorry about your hoodie. Also I've heard them shittalk about a lot of people."
She says.

I was about to talk but Melanie said something really fast; "Oh! By the way if you need to ohm wear something other than.. That-" she says awkwardly while point to my shirt causing me to chuckle and causing Weston to make a sad face. "- I have an extra shirt if you want it, we look the same size." She says looking around smiling.

I simply agree while we walk toward the her locker to grab the shirt.

"I think we're gonna be badass friends Melanie" I say smirking while she smirks back.

Wow my fingers hurt i hope u all feel guilty!!!!! 💁🏼

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