Feud breakers

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Thomas pov.

Vampires and werewolves have been hunting each other for generations. They absolutely hated each other and it was for a stupid reason, all over a dumb castle that both families werewolf and vampire wanted, it started a war so here we are hundreds of years later still hating each other. Ultimately the vampires (my people) won. Vampires live in the castle, it's a nice castle, really big, half the time my dad can't find me, he never could he always gave up when I was a little boy.
"Come find me daddy!"
"Thomas please now is not the time, come out,"
"What's wrong daddy?" I asked coming down from the ceiling
"It's your mother," And after he said that I ran like I never ran before and vampires have increased speed. I ran straight for my mothers room.
"Mummy!" I screamed, I screamed loud enough that birds dropped out of the sky. My mother was in-paled through her stomach with a wooden pole, the servants pulled me out and and shut the doors just in time to hear my mothers screams as they pulled the wooden pole out of her. A while after that there were no screams, no more of my mothers cries, just my father walking out closing the door behind him quickly not allowing me to see, picking me up, holding me against his shoulder walking away from my mothers room....crying. See us vampires we mate for life once we find that one person that has that thing for every single one of us that makes us....fall to our knees at the thought of them. My mother and father were both at the age where, when we reach that age we stay looking the same and stop aging. If you bit someone to turn then as they turn they'll start looking younger if they were older than the age or they would age like normal if they were younger.
Over my years I became more and more aware to how that happened to my mother. That day my people's enemy became my personal enemy.

Newt pov.

Cold was all I thought as I trudged through the woods on that dark night. I was following my cousin Aris who was following my uncle Minho. I was only a wee small pup at the time. They didn't know I was following them I simply just wanted to see what they were up to. I was....seven maybe six at the time, I know a little young to be in the woods at night without someone knowing, but my mum always said I was an adventurous little boy. I watched my uncle as he and his youngest son looked through windows of a castle. I stayed hidden behind a tree, I watched and listened, as they kept looking a woman's voice spoke to them.
I watched Minho grabbed something from the ground a stick or a pole holding it as Aris hide behind him. When the woman came to view she was young, beautiful, no marks, she was a perfect figure of beauty and grace. But then I watched as Minho shoved the pole through the un expecting woman. She let out a scream full of fear and pain. Then I realized something as she screamed with her face up at the sky I saw them, the pointy white fangs. I stumbled backwards knowing what would be come of me if I was caught now. I ran and I ran so fast all the way back to my tribe. My mother hear my calls and embraced me in her arms the second I appeared. I cried and to this day, eleven years later she still doesn't know why I came running that night crying.
I stand on the edge of the cliff looking down at the valley full of new born pups getting used to their two legs. I think I for got to mention that we're (my people) are werewolves.
"Newt, you have to go, if Brenda finds you here she won't be on the easy side," my mum walked up behind me
      "I know," I stated
"You can return tomorrow when she leaves again, but not when she drops off the supplies," she explained
       "I know," I muttered
"Here's you bag, there's some extra wolf blood in there just in case," she kissed my head
See the reason I would ever need extra blood of my peoples kind is if on a full or new moon I didn't change and it's not good if you don't change, it means your on your way to leaving your pack, If you wanna leave you just let the moon pass, if you don't wanna leave you insert the blood which basically will activate the wolf cells and your transformation will take place. I hugged my mom goodbye and went on my way. When night fell it was so cold, I'm not always warm don't listen to the myths. I slumped against a tree and slide down to the ground.
"Are you alright?" A voice sounded and a boy came into view, the moon light dances in his eyes
"Huh?" I asked
"It's freezing out, you should be inside," he stated
"Then why are you out here?" I questioned
".........you got me there," he laughed, he sat down next to me by the tree,"so what are you doing out here?"
"I had to leave my home for a little bit," I muttered
"Well I'm sorry to hear that," he looked down
"It's fine it was for my own good," I shrugged
"I'm Thomas by the way," he held his hand out
          "Newt," I replied shaking his hand
"Well do you have any where to go," Thomas asked me
"If I did would I be sitting on the ground?" I laughed
He cracked a smile, "come stay in my castle,"
"Why?" I repainted
"You need a place to stay don't you?" He replied looking at me
"Yeah I guess," I shrugged
"Good come with me," he stood up and pulled me up with him.
Entering his castle that was close to where we where, he brought me up some stairs and put me in a bedroom.
"I'll see you in the morning," he closed the door. I sat on the bed and the fur on the blanket felt way to familiar. I folded it up and placed it on a chair. I crawled into the bed and blew out the candle.

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