E p i l o g u e

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-Facing the story of my past-

"You know Aanya, when I think of it, I still don't understand how all of this happened?" Ken asked me suddenly as I sipped on my cold coffee in this extremely cold weather.

Bad choices are great, but maybe not today. I said to myself as I cringed on how cold the coffee felt when I gulped it  down my throat.

I snatched his hot chocolate and took a sip out of it. When I finally felt better, I handed him his drink back and turned to face him. "What happened?" I questioned.

I had no clue what this guy was talking about as I poured my remaining coffee down the valley. Sorry Mother Nature, I just really hate how it felt in me.

"You know... your ...issues." He almost whispered the last part to himself as if he was anticipating a big blow of anger from me. But I did nothing of that sort. I laughed and tugged his hand in mine to finally let out a smile in order to comfort him.

"Don't worry. You can ask me anything about it. It really doesn't affect me anymore." I smiled.

Although the truth was, it still did affect me. Not like it used to, but like a constrain or a muscle pull in my heart. But off course I wouldn't let him know that or else he would just stop attempting to clear his head about my condition.

I wanted him to know everything that has to be known or that I could offer because I had taken the chance and he hasn't let me down in any manner as yet. Maybe I loved him too like he loved me.

"When did it first start?" He slowly asked, doubting his own sensibilities to even ask his question.

I let out a sigh as an attempt to prepare myself. This was it. My long imagined moment where I would share everything with someone who wasn't me had finally come, and guess what, I was ready for it.

I was ready for it because I knew that I loved this guy in front of me and I finally loved and accepted myself. And after all, my love wasn't thriving in fear and insecurities anymore like it used to.

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