--Journal Entry #7 || November 21st, 2016--

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Today as I think about what to write in this marvelous journal, something important has come to my attention. Has it ever crossed your mind how hard writing can be? Think of how many words there are in the English dictionary as well as the crazy slang created by the adolescents of this generation. Two words can have a crazy similarity in pronunciation yet.. Mean something slightly different. I sometimes fail to realize that each word is like a circle block you're attempting to shove in a kids toy. The perfect word glides perfectly into its mold with no trouble at all. The not-so-perfect word is shoved into a square shaped mold that is meant to be circular. It doesn't quite work out in the way you planned. Note that these similarities also have their differences. It's quite apparent that choosing the right word is much more complex than an imbecilic children's gizmo. Writing comes through close observation, the right details, and the right words. Take 'glowing' and 'glittering' for example. Both words are able to be used in the same circumstance but have the slightest difference in meaning. Glowing refers to a single, wide exposure of light that hits against a surface. Glittering refers to an array of light exposure that beats down on an exterior. Though writing can be difficult it's always an optimistic choice to view it as an art-form. Just because certain art-styles don't fit your judgement doesn't make it any less notable. Think about this the next time you read someone's writing... It's unique, special, and worth-reading in their mind. Step in their shoes. Learn.

--Xx Aislynn 

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