--Journal Entry #10 || December 6th, 2016--

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As sad as it is to write this... I have a feeling this journal write will be my last one until late January or February. The official astronomical date of Winter is December 21st. In most cases, the snow is already falling and stores are rushing to put up their Christmas decor. Workers put on a smile lacking authenticity as they wave to the little children, uttering the same phrase over and over... Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Have a great New Year! I hope the beginning of 2017 starts off well for you! People scurry down the crowded, street lit avenues to head home and wrap up presents to put under the tree. Winter is a marvelous time of year to appreciate the five senses. Sight plays an important part in defining the imagery of Christmas spirit. LOOK for snowflakes plastering every street corner in their pure shades of white and WATCH as stars litter the skies early in the evening. Sound defines the noises you hear that signal the changing of seasons. LISTEN to children playing outside as school lets out for a three week vacation and HEAR the snow-plows clearing the streets as the man behind the machine makes an earnest living. Taste is the 'ahh..' moment you experience which normally symbolizes peace and togetherness. SIP some hot chocolate that makes a familiar tingle arise in your taste buds and INDULGE in the festive & traditional Christmas sweets. Smell closely links the parts of our brain that interpret memories and emotions. SNIFF the fresh smell of pine trees staying sturdy through horrid winds and BREATHE in the aroma emitted from burning wood stoves. Texture helps you come close to an object and manipulate it in an adverse type of way. TOUCH the rigged pine cones that can be found on your front lawn and FEEL as the frosty breeze blows against your chilled face. During the holiday season, whether you're spending it with family and friends or in the comfort of your own being, always remember to stop and appreciate what the world brings us these wonderful December months.

--Xx Aislynn   

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